(WARNING: This next part contains extremely emotional and cringe-worthy scenes, read at your own risk.)
Linny's P.O.V
It was getting late, and George and Ligery got away. I mean I'm glad they got away but, dang. Those kids got stamina. Me and Robby met up and headed for the nearest vent entrance. We waited for Mousy to come around. Since me and Robby had to fight so much to gain control of ourselves to make sure George and Ligery got away alive, we still had at least a little control of ourselves.
We waited about 30 minutes and that's when Mousy came by. We didn't have enough control of ourselves to talk, but from the looks of it, George and Ligery went into the vents. Mousy looked like she was literally fighting herself, which she was.
It wasn't long after Mousy showed up that we were dragged back to the plant by a hologram. We were the last ones to arrive. "Whoa, what happened to you guys? You looked like you got the most players today." Foxy laughed a bit as we entered the cage. "Actually we only got two players." Robby said. "Were they that good?" Poley asked.
"No, it was George and Ligery. So instead of fighting them, we were fighting ourselves to make sure they got out alive." Mousy clarified. "Did you say George? Is he okay? How is he?" Penny frantically asked. "He's fine. He's with Ligery too. They're.. okay." I said. Apparently I did a horrible job of hiding the fact that I was upset, because, "But are you okay Linny?" "I'm fine Clowny." "Are you sure?" "I-.. I'm not okay!" I said, burying my face in his shoulder.
"I think I might need a moment also." Robby said as Mousy agreed, "Yea. Believe it or not those kids have stamina." Funny, I said the same thing.
No One's P.O.V
"What's upsetting you Linny?" Sheepy asked Linny. "Three days before I was infected. *sniffles* I made a promise to Ligery. I *idk what they call it when your crying and trying to talk but you keep pausing between every word, thats what she's doing basically.* made a promise to her.. I told her that I'd never leave her.. and I'd always be there.. BUT I'M NOT THERE NOW!"
"Lin, com'ere." Tigery (I might be spelling his name wrong idk) said. Linny stumbled to her feet, as Tigery walked over and supported her. He took her to a corner where no one goes for some reason so she can have some time.
"You guys think she'll be okay?" Bunny asked. "I'm not sure. Usually something like this takes awhile to heal." Kitty said. "Clowny get over there." Robby said. "What? Why?!" "Everyone knows how much you like her~." Robby said, a smug look on his face. "What are you even talking about?!" "I'm talking about how protective you've grown." "He kinda has a point." Pony chuckled.
"I'm not protective! Tigery's the one who's protective!" "What you said bout me?!" "Nothing.. nothing.." "Mhm.." Clowny glared at Robby while Robby just gave another smug smile. "I hate you." Clowny scoffed. "Thanks, I try." Robby replied.
The Next Night
"Okay, that's it, I'm tired of sitting around waiting for another day of nothing getting done going by without me bothering someone." Bunny said. "So what do you suggest we do about it then?" Robby asked. "Truth or dare!" She squealed. "NO!" Soldier screamed. "YES!" Bunny replied. "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" YES!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" "Are you scared~?" "WHAT?! NO! I.. I JUST- Fine!"
"YAY!" Bunny squealed. Soldier just grumbled in defeat. "Alright, I go first. Soldier truth or dare." "Tru-" "I dare you and Torcher... to kiss..." "I said tru-" "DO IT!" "NO!" "YES!" "NO!" "DO IT! JUST, DO IT! DO IT!" "...I-.. I can't." "Why not?" Torcher asked. "Because it's embarrassing.." Soldier said. "Your just being soft." Torcher said before pulling Soldier into a kiss. "EEK SHIP!" Penny squealed. "I'm gonna throw up." Robby said. "YESSSSSS!" Linny screamed.

HorrorWhen you look at them, what do you see? A monster? A killer? A heartless person? I know what I see. But do you know? What do they do when they're not running around killing players that dare to cross they're territory? Find out about the infection...