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When we got into the room I had just paid for I put down my duffle bag on the bed then motioned for... did I ask his name?

"Boy, what is your name?" I ask the eight year old.

He looks up at me in confusion, "I don't have a name mister." He said then looked down at his dirty hands.

"Ok then i'll give you a name, hmmmm... Leo. Do you like it?" I asked then went into the medium sized bathroom on the side.

"T-thank you mister." He said with tears threatening to fall.

Hahh, kids. I am glad he didn't get caught and was made a slave.

"Hop in." I said to Leo motioning to the filling bathtub.

Sigh, when i said hop, i didn't really mean hop! Now I am all wet!

"S-s-sorry." He stammered. I used my powers and dried myself instantly. His eyes go wide, "Wow! That is so cool! How did you do that!?" He asked in admiration.

"Magic? It is easy right?" I asked.

"You didn't even need to cast a spell!" He exclaimed.

Oh, magic needs a spell? Oof now i know what chantless means. I am not that stupid, i read too much of course i know that! My lord!

If you are obsessed with fantasy books like me then you would know more things than other people in your age group! Really!? No, you will just know that in another world that might not even exist there are dragons and demons.

Oh, look where i am at now! In another world!

I scrub his hair with a shampoo I whipped up to get the grime off of him.

I scrub his dirty body too and when he gets out my mouth is left open.

He has shiny white skin, blonde hair which was just dark brown a few minutes ago and brown eyes.

I shake my head and make him some clothes. (Just guess, I'm not good with deets.)

"Thank you mister." He said with a big grin on his face.

"Leo call me Zayn please." I said to him.

"Ok m- Zayn." He blushed then put his head down.

"Good." I smile.

I really hate how an eighth year old is almost as tall as me, Like really god?

'Zoma I am bored, what should we do?' I ask meh beautiful bird.

"Tee. Hmm.... Let's go find a quest or something in the morning since it is getting late now." He answered.

I shrug.

"Let's go to sleep then tomorrow we can go on a quest." I tell leo.

"Ok Zayn where do I sleep?" He asked.

"Eh? You can sleep in the bed with me. It is big enough." I answered with my head tilted

as if saying 'really? Does it look like there is anywhere else to sleep??!'

"O-oh! Ok." He blushed and then got on the bed.

You're eight!!!

"Goodnight" I said before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


"Ok hmm, we can do herb collecting I guess." I said and took the paper off the board and gave it to the woman that I can't see.

"Good luck." She says and then I leave.

Leo is waiting for me outside but then I see the one girl. Did I ever ask for her name??

"Can I come with you guys?" She asked.

I shrug, "sure but tell me your name, I forgot to ask yesterday." I admitted.

"Oh! Sorry I should have Introduced myself-"

Meh: "unless she did 😅 or maybe not idk 🤷. oh well I'll give her a new name or maybe the same name 😋"

"What was that voice just now?" I asked.

"Donno, anywho my name is alice nice to meet ya!" The girl who's name is Alice but that voice was scary IT WAS LIKE IT WAS TALKING IN MY HEAD.

Meh: "I was."


"Hey Alice I am Zayn. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself with a little bow.

"I-I am Leo." Leo spoke from behind me.


I do apologize for the looonnggg wait for the people who have read this when I first published it.

It is going to be a very slow updated book as you can tell because I only am in 10th grade and this long brake has my mind going in a slower rate then when we have to work and stuff.

Anyway I have a question;

Should I make Leo older??

I mean if this is a harem and I want Zayn as the bottom of all unless you guys have ideas of him being a top??

I don't see it tho lol. But if you want it then I'll try but I don't know how to write fluffy scenes since this is my first book I published that is in my thousands of ideas in my docs 😅.

I'm sorry I get writers block a lot so please bear with me!

Yes, Leo should be older.

No, keep him eight.


Zayn bottom all the way.

Zayn should be top for one.


Tell me how much you want in the harem too!!

Edit: No time limit. Give me your all.

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