Part 1 happened

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I hope you like this new story  it's not the spy and the soldier!
If you don't wike it then don't read it! Also you can suggest me always what you want to see!

Now is her chance, he is gone but not for long she has to be fast.

If she gets caught again she will get even worst than the last time.

She heard the door clicking meaning it's locked he left.

Her chance now it's her chance she has to be fast really fast before he even knows it.

She opens her closet where she hid her bag and took it out, she has been planning this for a long time.

She is ready to be free again she has been collecting money for forever.

She placed her jacket and her bag in her shoulder and tried to climb out of the window quietly.

But to her luck she stepped to the wrong wooden part of the window making her fall on the ground with a big sound.

she looked behind her only to see the light in the room going on he heard her.


She did what her mind told her to, she run into the street away.

She didn't turn around but she knew he was following her she could hear him yelling her name.

She didn't stop even if her legs were hurting painfully.

And when she didn't hear him anymore she kept running she didn't stop.

Gunshots could be heard from behind she closed her ears and kept running she knew he was dangerous she knew he had a knife.

When a car stopped in front of her.

"Natasha?!"Someone said she turned to look at him

"Bucky?! please help me"she whispered she was about to collapse

"Get in the car fast"Bucky yelled as the gunshots were close he got in front of her to protect her

Natasha didn't need to be told twice she entered the car with bucky run behind her to the drivers seat.

Bucky started the car and they left as soon as they could.

"What happened to you I haven't seen you in years"Bucky groaned

"Bucky you got shot because of me?!"Natasha cried looking at the wound in his arm she pressed the clothe so he won't bleed out

"It's fine I am fine we just need to go the hospital"Bucky said

"I need to leave the country!"Natasha said

"Natasha what happened to you?!"Bucky asked again

"It's Eric"Natasha whispered

"This asswhole?! Natasha I told you to stay away from him he treated you like shit"Bucky almost yelled he had warned her she didn't heard anyone

Bucky was her best friend since kindengarden    nothing romantic he was always there for her he always protected her.

His parents were friends with hers they were in separate until she pushed him away with not reason she pushed away everyone in her life.

"He said he loved me I believed him"Natasha whispered

"Natasha where is Yelena?"Bucky asked sadly he knew he couldn't be mad at her

"I haven't seen her after our parents death she left the country"Natasha said sadly

"Didn't she take you with her?! Didn't she called you?"Bucky asked

"She did- but Eric didn't let me talk to her"Natasha whispered sobbing

"We are going to the hospital to check you and then you leave the country I will take care of Eric"Bucky said and she nodded

"You have to tell me everything Natasha"Bucky said

"I will"Natasha said hugging him tight as he stopped in front of the hospital


1 and half years later...

"Earth to you, young lady"someone said getting Natasha out of her thoughts

"Oh I am sorry I was-"Natasha apologized

"It's fine I was just telling you that your coffee is ready"the woman behind the stool said

"Thank you"Natasha thanked the lady looking around the shop as she took the coffee

She was still suspicious she was still scared that he would come back to kill her.

After Bucky and her went to the hospital he helped her with a ticket to America.

Then she lost contact with him she lost his phone, her phone.

She changed city after city, number after number to make sure she won't be found.

But she was done running she had just arrived to New York 3 months ago she had already her own apartment and now she was looking for a job.

Oh how she missed her family! Only if she had made the right choices in her life she would still have her older older sister yelena.

She dearly missed her parents who were dead and her sister who left and lost contact and all because of him.

It's all his fault she blamed him for everything and then she blamed herself for what she did to herself.

She looked at the newspaper in front of her with all the jobs applications.

When her eyes fall on one company "Rogers company" it was a huge name people were really happy with the work there and it opened great opportunities.

Maybe she could try it without thinking twice, She opened her phone and called the phone number they had on the newspaper.

"Hello?"Natasha asked

"Good evening with who am I talking with?"The lady asked

"Um Natal-, Natasha Romanoff I saw the application on the newspaper I am calling for the assistant place"Natasha said nervously

"Oh yes m'am thé interviews start tomorrow morning at 9am please be here"The woman said

"Yes thank you I will be there"Natasha said closing the phone

She can't mess this up this is her chance for a steady life!

For the life she always dreamed of, fall in love was out of the question for her now that was the only difference.

She didn't truly believed in love anymore she hated it this feeling was her weakness her destroyer.

After she drank her coffee she walked to her small apartment.

She needed to take a shower and get ready for bed so she could be fresh and early for the interview.

After she was done she laid in her bed with her sisters small stuffed animal oh how she missed her.

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