twenty seven.

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Maleah Brooks

I Hope You Miss Me..

" You ready to go princess ?" I asked.

" Yes ma'am." she responded. She got her IPad and we headed out of the door.

Today she was going with Benji for an interview. I told her she can pick whoever she wants to stay with tonight. I wanted her to have a say so, because I wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

We finally pulled up to Benji's house. I got Lani out of the car and we made our way to the front door.

" Daddy." Lani yelled, as Benji opened the door.

" Hey bug." he said, picking her up.

" Leah you can come in." he said, gesturing for me to come in.

" No need to, I have a lunch date in 20. Bye princess." I said.

" With who ?" he asked, scrunching up his eyebrows.

Not Mr. Hoe in my business, I thought to myself.

" Bye mommy. I love you." Lani said, blowing a kiss.

" I love you more baby. Mommy will see you later. be good for your daddy." I said.

" Leah we need to talk." he said, putting Lani down.

" About ?" I questioned.

" I'm sorry. I clearly hurt upset you the other night and I never got the chance to apologize. So I'm sorry." he said.

" Thanks for the apology, see you later." I waved, closing the door.

Benjamin Brewster

" I like your shoes bug. Who got these for you ?" I said.

" Mommy got these for me yesterday." she said cheesing looking at her shoes.

The station where the interview was at was kind of far. I grabbed my keys and Lani and headed to the car.

During the whole car ride Lani was singing Paw Patrol songs. Even though she was only gone for a day I really missed her.

" You ready for your first interview bug?" I asked getting her out of the car.

" I was born for this." she said.

She really is her mother's child.

I grabbed her hand and then we walked inside. We said hi to all the people up front and then they took us to the studio .

" We're on the air in , 1,2,3." she said.

" What's up London. I'm here with..." the host said.

" Benji 3X." I said

" and Kelani." Lani added on.

" I'm your host Magnilia Grant." she said.

" How y'all doing ?" the host asked.

" Amazing." Lani yelled.

" What she said." I said pointing at Lani.

" Y'all are such a cute father daughter duo." she said.

" Thank you." I responded.

" So how does it feel to be a dad Benji?" she asked.

" I love being this little girls dad. Like in the song she make me want to grind harder for her. Ever since I found about her it's been all her." I said.

" That's beautiful. This wouldn't get be a interview if I didn't get a lil nosey. How did her mom tell you she was pregnant , if you don't mind me asking." she said.

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