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It was three o'clock in the morning. I couldn't sleep. I sat in the chair in front of my bed as I watched  Blake sleep. I felt as if it was my fault that she was bruised up like this. She was laying on her side, with her hand on her stomach. I couldn't help but think that she wasn't going to be okay. Her breathing was different and she would break out in sweats. That's why i was watching her. I couldn't let anything happen to her. If anything were to happen to her or the baby, I wouldn't be able to live.

I was broken out of my thoughts by my phone going off in my sweatpants pocket. Taking it out, I see it's a text from Jin.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from my chair, and walked over to the door

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I rolled my eyes and stood up from my chair, and walked over to the door. I stepped out quietly and closed the door behind me. As I get down stairs, I notice Mr. Kim here with all the guys,even Payton. "What's this about? I have to get back up to Blake."I say and sit next to Mr. Kim.

"Namjoon, we have a problem."  Mr. Kim says. I look at him and wait for him to explain what's going on. "Namjoon, Blake's mom has taken the case to trial." He says. Payton gasped and we all looked over to her.

"What is it?"I ask. She looks to Mr. Kim and then back at me.

"It means Blake's mom is fighting to keep custody of her and possibly Tae-hyong too."She says and I see a tear fall down her cheek.

"What?! Can she do that?" I ask. How is this even possible?

"She has the right to  do so. As of right now, she still has custody of Blake. That was our agreement when we split. She'd have custody of Blake and I'd have custody of Tae. It's all there in the case files. We're trying to do everything we can to get full custody. We just need more than just us to help. We need to get Blake's story out there. I can use my company's platform but we need more." he says as he hands me the file. I quickly open it and start reading some of the things he had down. Any company you could think of was on the list.

"You can get help from all of these companies?" I ask and handed the file to Jin next.

"Most of them yes but I know a few who have already offered their help. With Blake's story out there, maybe it'll give the judge another view on the entire case. He'd look into it more."Mr. Kim says.

"How are we supposed to get Blake to do this? She's not going to just speak out about it, especially if it's hard for her to speak on it." Tae-hyong says. He was right. She wouldn't just come out about it.

"He's right. How are we supposed to get her to do it and where are we going to find help?" I ask.

"I'll do it." I hear. We all turn to the door way and I see Blake with a blanket wrapped around  her. She walked over to us and looked around at everyone.

"I will do it, but under one condition."  she says.

"What is it?" Mr. Kim says. 

"We win."She says. We all nod as Blake kept eye contact with her father.

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