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I sat there reading Namjoon's message over and over again. I actually didn't know why I ran away. I just feel so much pressure. Everyone wants to help me but I feel so powerless. I just didn't want everyone getting involved in my drama or my life because of the choices my parents made.

Looking at the message one last time, I feel a warm tear fall from my eye. He was only trying to help me and I'm just acting like a bad person to him.

I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed my small baby bump

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I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed my small baby bump. I didn't even know what to say back so I just turned my phone off and sat it next to me in the sand. I looked at the view in front of me and let the tears just slip from my eye. Why was I acing this way? Could Namjoon really help me? ARMY? My dad? All of this was just too much to take in all at once. I sigh and closed my eyes. I just needed to take a breather.

"I knew you'd come here." I hear. I shot my eyes opened and turned to see Payton with a bag. I smile lightly and she sits down next to me.

"I'm an idiot aren't I?" I say looking down.

"No, but, you do need to just relax and realize Namjoon and your dad are right. I believe ARMY and your father's company can help you out a lot. I just wan you to know we are all here." She said pulling out a bag of Cherry balls, handing them to me. They are my favorite candy.

"That's not the problem Payton. You know, I understand everyone is here, but for some reason, I just don't want to pull anyone into my mess. Especially the guys and their fans. I don't want to come between Namjoon and his group or come between my dad and his company. I afraid I might mess something up all because of my mother." I throw a cherry ball in my mouth and chew it slowly.

"B do you hear yourself? Namjoon wants to do this and so does all the other guys. Hearing the way they all threw in their ideas, I knew it was real. Namjoon is dedicated and so is your dad. I think we got this in the bag love. You just have to speak and ask for what you want." She says eating some of my cherry balls.

"So what do I do?" I ask. She turns and looks at me and nod her head.

"That's for you to decide Blake....You're so smart and brave. You can don this. Don't afraid. Trust me, this is going to work." she smiles lightly.

"But what if it doesn't then what? I won't ever see you or Namjoon again, yet alone Namjoon won't see his child. That's all I do is worry that I won't see Namjoon again or even the other guys. I don't know what I'd do if that ever happened." I shook my head. Just thinking about it made my heart ache. Namjoon not being in my life? It's doesn't even seem right coming out my mouth.

"Don't think negative Blake. That's the problem. You're thinking about everything bad instead of the good. Instead of being home living your life with your family, you're here moping around on your own private beach! Does anyone even know you have this other than me?" she says. I just stare at her and we both start laughing.

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