Chapter 1

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"Are you kidding me Mikey!" You winced hearing the smack the youngest turtle received from his angry brother. 

"Dude chill out there's lots more pizza in the world. " Mieky was rubbing the back of his head. When Raph trudged past you, he glanced, the scowl still present on his face. You avoided eye contact, and he left, clearly still pissed. You moved to Mikey. "Are you alright?" 

You reached up to check the back of his head, and he laughed. "No worries I'm fine. It's gonna take more than a smack to head to break me." He puffed his chest with a smile. And you couldn't help but smile too. Mikey was the easier for you to speak with.

When you met the turtles, it wasn't quite as adventurous as April's meeting.


You were at your high school, and unfortunately for you, a couple of your classmates thought it would be funny to tie you up in the school's back yard against a pole. You were terrified, especially when it started to get dark. And because they'd wrapped your mouth with tape, you couldn't cry out for help. You were there for hours. You pretty much gave up struggling half an hour in, and prayed for anyone to find you. 

It was cold, freezing. If someone didn't find you quick you probably wouldn't make it through the night.

That's when they showed up. At first you thought it was some kids trying to pull a prank, but when you saw the massive shell, every hair on your body stood up. You thought for sure it was an alien coming to eat your brains or something. So it completely surprised you when three more gigantic green turtles appeared from off the building. Landing quite easily on the ground from such a distance. The one with the blue bandana sheathed his alarmingly large blades, moving to you cautiously. When his eyes landed on you, he looked pretty torn. 

For brain eating aliens they looked almost sorry for your predicament.

He stepped over, pulling the tape from your lips slowly. Even though you could speak now, words weren't forming. You were just staring. Blue was untying the ropes around your body from the pole. "Who did this to you?" 

His voice was soft, and strangely caring. It took you awhile to realize that yes, there were indeed four mutants standing in front of you. And apparently they could talk. Actual English too. Well at least the blue one could as far as you knew. When you were free you probably should have bolted. Because maybe he was just saving you to eat you. You didn't know.

Blue took a step back, raising his arms when he saw the look on your face. You were assessing the situation, because not only were they large, but they also had weapons. Even without it, you were sure you wouldn't win a fight against them.

"We're not going to hurt you, I promise." Something about his voice was so calming. His eyes conveyed the same. If they wanted to attack you, they probably would have by now, right?

"T-Thank you.." you whispered. Your body was sore, and you were starving. You weren't sure how long you'd been out there. You're parents were probably having a heart attack trying to find you right about now. You felt a bit lightheaded. Your eyes drifted to the side. The one in the purple was clicking and typing at his little machine, or cell phone, you couldn't really tell. The other red one was closer to you, his arms were folding and he looked pretty scary compared to others. You took a step, and all at once you regretted it. Because your body felt weakened by the small action.

"Raph grab her she's going to-" you took a breath, staggering. Raph reached out on instinct, supporting your body when you slumped forward. "I've got you." he whispered. Through your exhausted haze, you could make out his beautifully glimmering green eyes. It was possible you were just imagining they were so bright. He lifted you into his arms slowly, and you didn't even fight.

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