Chapter 5 - Final

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"What are you playing today." you sat next to Mikey, watching as he started the game. You entered not too long ago, and you were waiting for Raph. He probably didn't even know you were there yet. You really wanted to see him. Even though Mikey was catching you up on a new game that he found, you were barely paying attention. Your eyes were staring off, waiting for the red clad turtle to come around the corner. When you realized you'd just been staring at the wall, you turned back around. "Get it together, don't look so desperate." It wasn't your fault. All you could think about was the last night. You were lucky to get any sleep, because Raph's touch was all you could process.

You ran your hands up and down your legs, trying to calm yourself down.

"You okay?" Leo's voice nearly gave you a heart attack. "Y-Yes I'm fine." you said shakily. You cursed, annoyed that your voice told a completely different story. The redness in your cheek must have revealed a lot. You didn't need to look up to know Leo was giving you a strange look.

"Mikey where are my sunglasses!" Raph's booming voice grabbed your attention. Your eyes shifted, at the same time he looked over. The both of you just stared. Raph stopped mid step.

You wanted to walk over and talk to him, maybe clarify what it was exactly between the two of you two. But Leo and Mikey were now tuned into your little moment.

"What's up with you two."

"Nothing!" you and Raph said together. You broke eye contact.

"Okay!" Mikey said, turning back to his game. You were really thankful sometimes that Mikey was an airhead. Leo however, he knew something was up.

"(Y/N) I need to talk to you." from his tone you knew it was serious. You stood, glimpsing at Raph momentarily, before looking down. He didn't look the least bit pleased, but he never said anything. He just watched you go.

The walk to his room was short, and silent. When you were inside you felt jittery. Like a child getting caught in the cookie jar.


"I kissed Raph!" you admitted. Leo's eyes widened just a fraction, then he made a face, laughing softly.

"I really did not need to know that."

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out. " Well, at least he wasn't mad.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I had a feeling something happened. Raph was strangely in a good mood yesterday. " So it wasn't just you. The fact brought a smile to your face. One that Leo anticipated. 

"You really care about him don't you."

"I do."

Leo folded his arms. That's it then. I guess you both have my blessing. " You grinned, hugging him. "You're the best!" You were glad that Leo supported your choice.

"Just do me a favor, no kissing in front of us." he joked. You giggled along with him. 

"I think I can do that."


After your little talk with Leo, you were searching for Raph, who apparently went back to his room. You didn't need to be a genius to know he was probably doing some type of exercise. You had been talking to Leo for a while. When you opened the door you saw him practicing punches in the air. He was going at it pretty hard, and from the looks of it he never even noticed you entered. You were about to call out to him, but the way his body moved, it had you in a trance. He wasn't even striking anything. Yet, how come he looked so damn hot!

Deciding that if you stared at him much longer you would probably be there all day just admiring his biceps, you called to him.

"Raph." he stopped instantly, body turning. You smiled realizing he almost fell at the quick turn. He shrugged his shoulders, possibly an attempt to regain his cool. 

"You don't have to worry about Leo. He was just making sure you weren't being..well I guess yourself."

"Hilarious." He replied stepping closer to you. When he was right in front of you, he looked down, admiring your features. You were weak to him. You already knew that. He was definitely your kryptonite. 

"Raph I need to know, last night was...for me it was amazing. Are we, y-you know.." you gestured between the both of you. Raph just gave a stupidly confident smile. "Are we what?" he asked coyly. 

"You're really gonna make me say it."

"Please." he urged. He was still impossibly close, and if not for your height difference you would have smacked him.

"I..I want you to be my boyfriend."

"I feel like the correct term would be turtle friend."

"I'm being serious!" you said trying to contain your laughter. You liked the fact that he was trying to help you through your embarrassment.

"We're lovers (Y/N). I thought it was obvious after that kiss, maybe you need a refresher." He leaned down hooking his hand behind your head, and a small squeal escaped you, right before he kissed you. You stood on your toes, desperate to reciprocate the kiss, because it was all you wanted since last night. 

He lifted you the rest of the way, free hand wrapping around your waist. You felt your feet leave the ground, and boy if that wasn't hot, the magic he seemed to work with his tongue had you completely entranced. He moaned at the way you matched every flick of his tongue, and you melted, the sound making you weak. If the warmth gathering in your stomach wasn't enough evidence of your attraction, you didn't know what was.

"Raph I found your-" Raph pulled back at the sound of Mikey's voice.

"GET OUT!" he yelled. You buried your head on his chest, red faced. Mikey just dropped the glasses, stepping backwards. "I'm leaving!" he said almost falling on his way out. The door slammed shut. It was only a matter of time before the rest of his brothers found out.

"Maybe we should-" he didn't give you a chance to form a proper sentence, because he was already kissing you again.

Oh well, they were bound to find out eventually.

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