{chapter 25}

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(TW: smoking)

i didn't know where we were going, all i had was katsuki by my side.

we were in a car, it was silent the entire time as the investigator drove us, tears still falling down my face.

the car starts slowing down and i look out the window to see we arrived at my house, cop lights were flashing as many officers were at the scene.

it didn't feel real, i was in denial, i didn't want to believe the most important person to me was gone.

the investigator parks right in my driveway. all of us step out as we start walking toward my home.

i walk into the kitchen/living room to see what looked like my aunts body covered with a sheet, caution tape wrapped around as police were gathered around.

i looked around to see that the back door was shattered, someone had broken in.

everything around my aunts body was burnt, the floor, the couch, everything.

i grab the investigators coat as he was going to walk toward the other officers, he turns around to face me.

"what am i here for..." i say as my voice cracks.

"well dear, we'll be needing to ask you some questions, you'll also need to pack your things, you'll be needing to move out." he says calmly.

"moving out? where would i go?" i say as i look up to him with tears in my eyes.

"since you don't have any other family members, unfortunately you'll have to move to a foster home." he says.

"bullshit! i'm not going to with people i don't even know." i plead with him.

"i know it's hard for you, but you're still under the legal age, there isn't much we can do for you." he says sympathetically.

i angrily let go of his jacket getting emotional again. everything was just so overwhelming.

"excuse me, we have a few questions for you to answer, come with me dear." a female officer says as she pulls my hand gently.

her and other cops asked me questions, they asked questions like:

was she acting weird before?

is there any suspicion of who could've killed your aunt?

what was your aunt's quirk?

i actually didn't know the answer, she never wanted to talk about it, when i would bring up the topic, she would quickly change the subject.

the list goes on, i ended up losing count after five questions.

i walked upstairs to go into my room, i open the door to see everything was gone, all of them were stuffed into boxes.

my room was all bland, i open a box to see my clothes inside, my decorations,

"what the fuck is going on." i thought in confusion.

bakugo ended up follow me, he was just as startled as me, he saw how empty my room looked, and he saw the boxes on the ground.

after looking through the boxes, i walk toward my aunts room, pushing bakugo out of the way, i was going to see if the same had happened with her room.

"what's going on." he says as he follows behind, waiting at the door way.

i look over to the bed to see a cardboard box, it was opened, waiting for someone to take a look inside.

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