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i don't care what you think unless it's about me


*✧・゚ACT ONE ───
september 1990 - august 1991
i prefer her to any other

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from a young age blair knew what she wanted, but her perception of that reality she had created in her mind changed drastically after she became a household name at the ripe age of twenty-one. she always wanted to settle down, despite the fact that she enjoyed partying and getting drunk or high with her friends. she was realistic and knew that this lifestyle couldn't be maintained for very long. she had to slow down at some point. but as time went on and she fell deeper into the grips of the music industry, she was finding it increasingly difficult to find a way to do so. her sense of self was quickly crumbling the longer she went on without stability, getting lost easily in the "life."

all of her relationship since she blew up seemed less like a promise of love and more like a promise that they would only sleep with each other and even then, not really. this led to the last two years of her fame, something that was supposed to be pretty and perfect, being miserable almost all of the time. she found that the only time she wasn't miserable was when she locked in the studio with one of her band mates, usually wil, writing music that wasn't ever going to be heard by anyone, other than them, at absurd hours of the morning. she tried her very hardest to find other moments like these in other aspects of her life but almost always failed. music was the only thing that brought her joy, but it also brought all of her pain.

it was easy to get caught up in all of the flashing cameras and screaming crowds, easy to lose yourself. she found it hard to keep herself grounded, to not let her ego get too big and end up like every other asshole rock star that have long fallen from their pedestal of fame, now stuck with regret for the years of bad decisions and shitty behavior and maybe a few piles of cash to compliment it all.

she was frustrated, enraged even, that she had absolutely no warning about what a shit show fame is and now she was stuck with it all. even though it was her decision to pursue this, she had many regrets of the way she did so; primarily how she so brutally played politics to make her way to the top. being a woman in an industry dominated by men was hard enough, but at twenty years old and new to the city, every rich man claimed they could make her dreams come true. she made it her goal to make sure no one stepped all over her the way they did so many other girls like her. she was successful in that but she lost lots of herself along the way, and she didn't have very much left to begin with.

she came from a broken home in one of the many rundown suburbs that surrounded the almighty seattle. her mother died of an overdose when she was only four and she had to spend the 14 years that followed that with a single father. he tried his best and she was eternally grateful for it. he was supportive of her dream of being a musician until he found out she wanted to be a rock singer. he was worried she would end up like her mom, and even though it came from a place of love, she of course took great offense to that.

and now here she was, navigating the ropes of fame, freshly twenty-three and with little help from anyone around her, especially not her girlfriend.


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