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September 29th, 1990.
The show, somewhere in Seattle, Washington.

* .°•

THE ROOM STUNK of alcohol and sweat, the floor being littered with beer cans not even fifteen minutes into the "opening" act. If she was being honest, Blair was excited to see them. she'd heard a few of their songs before when they were played at parties, but she knew that every good band was even better live, and they were one of the good ones.

Just as she had begun to grow sick of mudhoney, despite her love for the boys of the band, they bid their dues and stepped off the stage. There was an immediate shift in energy as pedal boards began getting exchanged for those belonging to the band everyone was here to see. The air was buzzing with anticipation, and despite the fact that Blair and her entourage had intentionally placed themselves in the back of the venue and away from any soon-to-come mosh pits, she could feel the familiar feeling bubbling in her stomach as well.

The room exploded with shouts when the three piece took the stage, opting for blaring feedback rather than long winded introductions.

"Good evening," their bassist yelled over the feedback, "we're nirvana."

The intro to their first song followed only seconds later, heavy guitar and pounding drums made it hard to think but she wasn't complaining, to busy watching the frontman who demanded her attention.

"He's hot," Wil spoke, forced to be right next to her ear to be heard in the noisy room, "you should fuck him."

Blair had to hold back a laugh, sending him a warning glance, though she did give his proposal another second of thought.

"I think i'll leave that up to you, he looks bisexual doesn't he?" she asked, a proud smile on her lips as Wil let out a bellowing laugh.

she only dwelled on her humor for a moment longer before yet another song transition brought her attention back to the band of the stage. the singer, who's name she was pretty sure was kurt, was tall, lanky, and blond. his voice most certainly didn't match his looks and it looked like he was wrestling with the guitar to get some sound out and the intentionally distorted vibrations of the strings made it sound like it to, but she wasn't complaining.

his stage presence almost made her uncomfortable, he seemed uncomfortable with all those eyes on him, he reminded her a lot of herself when pyre was getting started. only this was different, he didn't seem uncomfortable with being on the stage, he just seemed uncomfortable in general. he tugged on his t-shirt and guitar strap between songs, like the endless adjusting was going to somehow ease his nerves. she also didn't miss how he wiped his palms on the worn denim of his jeans all too frequently.

in the next few minutes of her observations, she saw the same behavior on a loop every time the sound of his voice and guitar stopped; tugging, wiping, shifting weight awkwardly. she had been doing this long enough to know that punk musicians of any sub-genre were fucking weird, but kurt was a full blown freak and she loved it. he radiated self-loathing and angst more than anyone she'd ever met and she knew in that moment she needed to figure out who he was. she needed to get her hands on him.

* .°•
BLUE SPEAKS... this was so short but i literally am so excited to write kurt but i need to sleep now so that will have to wait!! (also yes we're going to ignore that this hasn't been updated in almost a year, my writers block decided to magically disappear today!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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