Chapter five

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𝐴𝑦𝑦𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑠.
𝑌𝑒𝑎ℎ 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑦, 𝑗𝑢𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑚𝑒.
𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 😂✌🏽

"Take care of yourself, alright?
I don't want to see you here again for a long time."

"What Doctor Harrison means is we're  glad you're feeling better but we're going to miss you very much, sweetheart."

Jace rolled his eyes as the nurses fawned over his friend, but this time it was purely on principle.
He was too overjoyed that Kingsley was alright to be annoyed by the overly dramatic scene.

Not alright, exactly- King was under strict orders to take it easy, pretty much staying in bed for at least another two weeks.
But the doctors all agreed it was a miracle King was alive at all.

With the massive blood loss, severe dehydration and malnutrition (including his chronic anemia), a few fractured ribs and a serious concussion, on top of his weak heart, when he fell into a coma they had almost given up on the boy.

Jace tore his gaze from King- smiling sweetly and assuring the clinic personnel that he'd miss them- to study the Winchester brothers again.
They stood near the door observing the scene.

Well, Sam was observing the scene.
Unlike his infuriating hottie of a - unlike his older brother Dean, who was currently giving a moving farewell speech to the last of three heartbroken nurses.

Irritably, Jace wondered why he'd even noticed how many girls the older Winchester had managed to charm over the five days they'd been here.
It didn't matter- not in the slightest.
Jace owed his life, and more importantly, King's life- to these men.

They had stayed here for days to make sure King- a stranger- was going to be okay.
When the doctors had begun to despair of King ever waking up, Sam had comforted Jace while Dean bullied them into giving the boy another day before they gave up.
Once King woke up the brother's insisted on sticking around and helping out.
And now that he'd finally been cleared to check out, the Winchester's were taking them to a nearby motel and booking them a room for the night.

But that didn't mean he had to like them. Honestly, it wasn't that he disliked them either.

In fact, Sam had miraculously become something resembling a friend in the few days they'd spent together.
Sam's ridiculously attractive older brother, on the other hand- was stupid and infuriating and altogether reminded Jace too much of himself, even down to charming everyone he met and being completely aware of the fact.

Jace knew he had a reputation as easy to get close to- very close, if the flirtatious, blushing girls in town were to be believed- but hard to really know.
He didn't mind it.

He had King, and that was more then he'd ever dream of asking for.
So what if they were both high school dropouts and practically homeless-

Doctor Harrison, are you sure his brain wasn't damaged in the accident?"
King's innocent, bubbling laugh rang out and Jace's lips automatically turned up in a responding smile.

"You just wish you could feel what it's like to be the smart one," he shot back.

"Naw, King's always been the smart one." Dean, apparently finished with all his emotional goodbyes, entered the conversation.
He stepped beside King, hovering as though he very much wanted to do something to help but wasn't sure what.

You're worried about the kid?
Get in line, bitch, Jace thought fiercely.

King smiled a bit too warmly at Dean, then smacked Jace's shoulder.
"Ain't that the truth.
Well, Jay, if you've had enough staring at the wall- it's time to go."

"Shut up and lead the way."

Sam rushed to open the door and held it for the rest of his party.

"So what are we getting to eat?
I'm starv-"
King  stumbled on the last step.
He would've fallen if not for Dean.

Despite his best efforts Jace felt himself bristle. "Thanks man!"

Of course Kingsley was clueless as always, smiling up at Dean as though he'd seen an angel.
Which wasn't far off, honestly.

Jace might not really like or trust the guy but even he could see that Dean Winchester was beautiful.
Bright green eyes, a sharp jawline and dirty light brown hair in an attractive cut- the man shouldn't be allowed to look this good.
No one should be allowed to look this good, period.
It wasn't fair.

"Just a little further- here we are.
Hey baby."

Sam and Jace exchanged a long suffering look as they reached the impala.
It was a beautiful old car but calling it baby seemed a little extreme from Jace's point of view.

Dean easily supported Kingsley with one hand as he freed the other and opened the back door.

"Just slide on in there and we'll head out.
Did someone mention burgers?"

"Burgers sounds amazing, Dean.
Thank you."
Kingsley shot the older Winchester another smile as he settled himself into the back seat.

"You know what- Dean, lets just pick the burgers up to go and head over to the motel. We have a lot to talk about," Sam interjected seriously.

"You mean the two of you have to explain why the hell we just lied to the cops and King's doctors for five days," Jace muttered.

"That's fair.
We do have a lot to explain."

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