Chapter 30 Part 2

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Next day, Tuesday, 12pm.

Clay told George and Sapnap that he needed a bit alone time, but the two were still worried. He understood why, but still.

Clay/Dream's POV

"I swear, i'll be all good." i said nervously, but keep insisting.
"Okey how about i go outside for about a few minutes?" i suggested.
"But what if something happens!" George said worried.
"Yea and how would you be able to walk anyway?" Sapnap asked
"Here, call me anytime and with this you two can see where i am okey? Also i crutches at my home Sapnap. Just incase." i said and also handed them a little device. To be honest, looks like a little tomodachi thing or something. I don't really know. Dave gave it to me a while ago.

They looked at it and i explained how it worked. After all of this, they finally let me out. I was just walking around the neighborhood and the park. Not many people are here since it's Tuesday and well the week. Work and stuff. I wished i could punch Jacob in his face. He should be dead. Wait what- ... i mean.. well he would deserve it. I shook my head. It made me so angry knowing he hurted his friends and blackmailing me and what not. He ruined everything. As i was walking the empty streets of the lonley Halnov street i saw Wilbur passing by. Why. Why are you everywhere.

"Tsh! Ouch.. my leg. Fucking shit.." i cursed myself. This stinging is so annoying.

It made me more angry seeing him. He didn't see me yet, so i tried to quickly pass by him. Making my way to the other side-
"Oh. Dream? Is that you?" he asked.
Shit-. I ignored him and continued walking.
"Hey- Dream? Oh my god what happened?!" he said walking towards me. Go away. I started walking faster. My leg still hurts.
"Dream wait!" he caught up to me eventually, since i couldn't really run.
"Dream! Why are you ignoring me? What happened man?" he asked and stood infront of me. I looked down. "What's wrong?" he said concerned. I couldn't tell why, but i was so pissed off and i could feel my anger boiling inside of me. He was talking to me, but i couldn't understand him anymore.

I was filled with hatred, because of everything. Everything and anything made so so angry at the moment.

Thinking so much.

Too much.

My mind went blank.

I was gone.

I couldn't see anything.

After like a split second later i could finally see again. Somwhat.
Noone was here. Atleast that's what i thought. I layed my hand on my forehead, but then slowly pulled it away. Something felt off. "...wh.. wait.." slowly looking down, i saw Wilbur on the ground. Couldn't see things clearly, it was a bit blurry, but it was red everywhere.

"Look what you've done." someone said. Noone was there.
"Look what you did."
Things started to get clearer and ...
"N-no..." my voice trembeling.
"T-th-at wasn't m-me.."
Was he dead? Did i kill him?


"I am no monster... i'm not a monster... i'm not... i am nothing like him.."
i said to myself, staring down at the presumably dead Wilbur that ... i... no.. that someone that was not me. All that blood... everywhere.. it wasn't my fault.. but ... why did.. it felt so relieving at the moment...

... nono NO! "I need to get rid of him!" i looked around, grabbed him and weaseled my way through the forest. I remember the place that Darryl showed is and quickly made my way over there. My leg giving me a bit of a trouble tho, plus the crutches. I had to come up with an excuse why i was walking everywhere and anywhere when i get back home. It took me awhile to get to the place, but it's all good now. I arrived and tried to dig a hole up. It took so long, but i got it in the end.
After all that hazard, i had to clean myself up near the water that was there.

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