Behold - The Hanahaki Maze

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(I wanted to draw chibi HP characters there but I ain't that level of an artist yet so I settled for just names).

Lemme just clarify my ships first:

1. Drarry (oBviOuSLy *in Snape's accent*)

2. Lucius Malfoy x Ronald Weasley (well, here's a new dish)

3. Scorbus (need they need naming)

4. Sirius X James + Severus (sorry, no wolfstar)

5. Victor Krum X Cedric Diggory 

6. Fred Weasley X Regulus Black

7. Charlie Weasley X Bartemius Crouch Jr.

8. Grindledore 

9. Ginny X Luna 

10. Rose Weasley X Tom Marvolo Riddle 

Married Couples:

1. Harry and Ginny

2. Ron and Hermione

3. Draco and Astoria

4. Neville and Luna

5. George and Cho

6. Blaise and Pansy

7. Bill and Fleur

I Will Be Waiting For You In The Hanahaki MazeWhere stories live. Discover now