Keiko~Chapter 6- Darkness

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Keiko was telepathic. She had to be, to stay quiet at night, and she taught Leo to be telepathic. Sometimes at night, her and Leo would have a conversation with one another, while Hannah was getting some needed sleep. Hannah's beatings were slightly harsher than mine, that must be because she has more power in her than me and Leo combined. Anything containing even the tiniest traces of metal, she can manipulate. How long will it be before she realizes that her cuffs are made, almost entirely, out of metal?
The darkness didn't bother her that much, she was blind after all. She has super-fast reflexes to help her in the training room, but that doesn't make up for the things she's never actually seen. She and Leo have been stuck here for 2 years, so she knew her way around. But she hated not seeing things so precious and beautiful to other humans, like a sunset, or a feast. Man, she missed eating more than unwanted scraps of one meal a week. The sedative they were given when they were taken was never given to Keiko, because she was the reason they gave sedative to the others. She remembered everything. From her parents, to her eye doctors, she even remembered the exact date and time of when she was abducted. Leo was captured a year later. He was the only one, besides the guards, who knew she was blind. She trusted him to keep it that way. She read Hannah's thoughts, wishing they could see eye to eye, but obviously she couldn't.

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