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Hey Hi Wassup

So long story short, I started BSD cuz of a fellow simp and now here I am.
He said I got "good writing skills" so might as well take use of that in BSD right?

Request Page—

- Characters, Genre, AU (optional), Small Plot

- I LOVE songfics! So feel free to gimme some songs to write from

- I accept Headcanons if y'all have any

Feel free to comment the request here, or chat me privately!


I accept ANY character since I already read the manga. So go for any character! Also explain the reader's role (male or female).

For your request, pls give me what genre y'all want (and yes I accept smuts y'all fellow sinners) if y'all already have requests, feel free to comment some here!


So BSD has a lot of AUs thanks to the BSD Totl game. So if y'all have ideas based on those AUs feel free to tell me what AU it is y'all want!
(Like the Costume Party AU Fyodor pic on top, LIKE DANG BRO I FXKING DIED-)

K I'm a LAZY bitch so I can't get much inspiration what so ever at times. So for your request pls tell me a little bit of your ideas from that creative mind of yours!

Anyhow, feel free to request whenever y'all want! Hopefully you like the stories!

And check out my other stories too!
But I'll try to get these requests done if y'all got em!

Bungou Stray Dogs x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now