Yandere fell x yandere classic

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Hello my little cookies ! How are you all today ? 

This was a oneshot requested by @-Sevexy-, so thank you for the request! Also I would like to say that thank you so much for 260 views on this book ! It means the world to me !

Great job my cookies 🍪 

Oh ! I edited the yandere nightmare x killer a bit , still same story line just a bit of tweaks that made the story better . I will be doing a yandere ink x geno part two because someone wanted that . Um , in the comments let me know if you want a yandere nightmare x killer part two . 

Anyways enjoy the story ! 


Fells POV: 

With every stroke of my pen couldn't capture the full beauty of my precious classic , no matter how much I'd tried to do so . His beauty is inescapable and blinds me every second of everyday. I am currently in my geometry class drawing my love to escape the boring aspect this class gives off. Oh how I wish I could claim him as of now , but unfortunately I can't since I have to get rid of some pests that are in the way of my love with classic . My little classic is currently in his history class but how would I know ? Well you , the reader , should know by now that I stalk my beautiful love . 


( Shut it author ) 

( Wanna say that again? *pulls out trusty knife *) 

( ah shit- , um I won't break the fourth wall anymore *nervously chuckles * ) 

( that's what I thought  * fixes the fourth wall with magical tape * ) 

( continue ) 

Anyways - I followed my beauty to his class making sure that he would arrive safely. I can't have anyone taking him away from me now could I ? 

* bell rings * 

Well now it's time for lunch , better go meet my classic at our table or he'll think I'm a no good thug . 

{ le Time skip is brought to you by our sponsors: the aMeRiCaN rEvOlUtIoN} 

( As you can tell the author~Chan needs help :^) 

Classic POV : 

I was waiting for red - or fell as some people call him , when this guy walked up to me and began to flirt . I grew uncomfortable since my love is only reserved for the handsomeness of red . Red is my true love , and this guy isn't going to get in the way of that . I told him to fuck off as red sat down next to me . He seemed mad but tried to hide it from me . 

" Hey classy , how are you today ? " 

" I'm doing fine red thanks for asking . Although you seem mad . Is something wrong ?" 

" Yeah I'm doing fine . Thanks . Anyways what's up ?" 

" Not much , but I got a brand new pun for you ." 

" Oh yeah ? Let me hear it ." 

" Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, "What's your favorite kind of music?" The other says, "I'm a big metal fan."

" *snort* wow , that's a good one . Pft." 

" I know , I came up with it last night . Papy doesn't like it too much though ." 

For a split second I saw a frown on his face . But he quickly covered it before I could see more . 

{ le Time skip again , sorries author Chan is lazy :^

Fells POV : 

I was dragging the guy who flirted with MY classic into his new home . The ground.

After all , this is what he deserves for flirting with him . 

But what i saw next was shocking , 

Was that ? 

" classic ?" 

His head sharply turned to where I was standing , he was holding the body of a girl who was flirting with me the other day . 

Does this mean ?

He returned my feelings? ... 

" Uh , hey r-red ? How are you today ? Hehe" 

" classic , do you love me ? " 

" yes , yes I do ! I can't let anyone else have you !" 

" Glad you return the feelings darling ~ let's get rid of the bodies and go back to my place hm?~" 

" That sounds lovely ~" 

And they lived happily ever after 

The end . 

Why are you still here ? 

Oh you want outro? Ok


Remember to leave requests , bye !

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