Yandere cross x Dream

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Hello! Sup, mah peeps? 

So, I'm sorry for the delay on this book. I've been role-playing a lot lately, and I've also just been busy irl. So I hope you enjoy this!


Darkness. Chaos. Fighting. Explosives. And then... white.. just all white. The apocalypse was coming, literally. People being turned into the hideous disgusting monsters, red bumps enveloping the poor victims until they were turned Into sickening deformed creatures. Zombies, yes this was the zombie apocalypse. The yellow and positive skeleton watched in horror as these sudden, yet current, events  unfolded- And the evil cackling of his brother in the background rang in his ears. A reminder that he had failed this au. He could feel Ink and blue trying to pull him away, to escape the broken land. And yet, his focus was not on them. He had failed this au. And that thought would burden him until the day he died,  along with many other regrets. 

Another thing suddenly struck the positive guardian. Someone was watching him, and it was not his brother's cold glare or the worried looks of his friends. No, this was something much different. He looked up, trying to locate where this gaze was coming from. And there he saw it, standing right next to nightmare- cross was watching him. Dream had no idea why, was cross trying to get some kind of amusement out of his pain? Did he find this funny? No... cross's gaze was something different.  He could detect.. love? A sickening, obsessive love from the monochrome skeleton. This made Dream very unnerved, and he wanted to leave now. Ink opened a portal, shouting to Dream about something. But Dream wasn't paying attention, as him and cross had locked eyes. And it only made Dream more nervous about the entire situation. Ink grabbed Dream by the arm, and pulled him through. This was the last area, the only area that nightmare hadn't infected.

Dream was still in shock, he couldn't believe that this had happened.  And what cross did... he was still uneasy about.  Ink seemed to notice this, and gave Dream a light hug- blue doing the same from behind.  The ringing the the positive skeleton's ears finally subsided, and he could finally, and eventually as this was... a horrible and traumatizing experience for Dream, get some rest. 

Dream said his good night's to both ink and blue, the two of them returning it to Dream. Dream then treaded the stairs up to his room. But, before he could reach his room, he saw a figure at the end of the hall. He was frozen in place. Who was here? How'd they get here? It would be hard just to reach their base alone, even harder to get inside! So, how did this person get inside? Dream suddenly couldn't find the strength to move, let alone scream for help. The figure got closer, and closer, and closer, until he could hear ink "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Ink screamed at the top of his non-existent lungs, running at full speed towards the figure. The figure growls, and teleports away with ink. Dream screamed "INK!" It was only ink and Dream, or well, used to be ink, in the house, blue had gone home to his brother..which means, if ink hadn't decided to check on Dream before he left... that figure would have taken him... wait, was blue able to get home safely?! Dream texted papyrus, or well, honey for blues Au, but... honey said that he thought blue was still with Dream and ink... meaning he must have gotten taken too!  

Dream didn't sleep that night. Well, he didn't really ever sleep, but that wasn't the point. He normally gets energy from doing his job, giving other people dream's and positive energy. But, at the moment, all he was trying to do was find out how to get his friends back. He sighs, calling up a few people to help him. Those people were those, hopefully willing to help him. Fell sans, gaster sans, or really known as g sans, reaper sans, classic himself (to which he offered to use himself as bait, since they can't kill or harm him, or they get killed and or harmed.) Haven-Tale sans, and a few others. Fell sans, well, other than dust of course- was the only sans that loved blue-so he was willing, g-sans liked Dream from a certain.., incident that had happened earlier, reaper wanted to help to get his brother, ink back, fresh had popped up in the middle of the meeting too, so that was more help for them. And classic, well, came because he just wanted to, he wanted to be included in-specifically on the good side. So that was good! "So, as we all know, ink and blue have been taken. Now, although I do not know who exactly has taken our warriors, I do have a pretty good idea. The enemy team. Now, as we know this as well, nightmare has infected and taken over Fell's universe. Fell, I am so sorry for your loss. Now. I need your help, to help me get back ink and blue, and so we can defeat nightmare and them once and for all, who is with me?!" Dream shouts 

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