Dabi x smr SAD

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  I'm so sorry about this but it came to me last night so I thought why not?  (Quirk is any dark one you want)

   You had been a villain for a long time. After your second year in UA actually. And you fell in love,With dabi the villain. Most of the villains from LoV had either gone off the grid, gotten killed, or become normal citizens. And heroes know that.

  Today you had gone out for a long morning walk. To reminisce about high school, because why not? Nothing bad would happen right? WRONG!   You were walking around thinking, when you pass a running group of people. Then nyoom , a hero runs past you .You back away and then recognize them as Deku. Nyoom ,nyoom ,nyoom,nyoom
Four more heroes run and fly past. Uravity, Ingenium, Ground Zero, and Red riot. You look to where they were running, it was the old bar, which is where you and dabi lived. You got suspicious, and looked harder. The moment you saw your baby boys blue flame you took off running. Using your quirk moving people and bursting it behind you in an effort to make you go faster.

   You ran, and ran. Finaly you got home. You see it collapse and for the flames to lower a bit. First thought was about the love child (from the quirk) you have been raising with dabi. You run as fast as you can pushing through the crowds and pass police and even the heros. You run and yell louder than ever. "KUROO!!!"
"WHERE ARE YOU!!" no response. You think 'dabi'.  You yell and yell for him to answer you while the heros are trying to get to you. Finaly you see a bit of blue flame that's stronger which meant he was there. You run and find him. You also had to lift a bit of concrete and wood. "Dabi! Hey baby boy, hey, hey, look at me." You said. He looked at you and you looked down. He had a pole stuck through him. You knew he was bleeding out. So you started tearing up. "Hey babe" he said with a raspy voice. "You're ok You're ok" you kept repeating. He was the love of your life, and the dad to kuro. "STEP AWAY FROM THE VILLAIN!" Deku yelled. You snapped. You quickly turned around with what deku would call a kacchan face.


  You picked up Dabi's head and set it on your thigh. He looked at you with so much love it hurt. He was slipping away though you could feel it and see it in his eyes along with that love for you that you knew would never go away. You watched as the life dried up and left his eyes and body. He had lost too much blood. He was gone and you couldn't do anything. You closed his eyes, gently set him onto the ground, and turned around again looking straight into the person who brought down the building. "DEKU" you growled out, seeing slight fear glide through his eyes for a split second. "He was a villain sir! I-" you cut him off with a glare. "Like I FUCKING SAID HE WAS A CITIZEN!" your voice booming and pain evident in your voice. You did not notice a small figure climb out of the rubble. Red riot was the first to notice, he looked wide eyed at a child, he looked about 10 staring at you and dabi. You noticed his facial expression change and turned around. Your mind immediately went to dad mode and you ran to him. "Kuro! Hey little one!"
You said as you hugged him tightly "papa wh-" you cut him off by hugging him more and saying "dont think about it right now kay?" He quickly nodded. " I want you to find yours or a phone and call uncle shitt- shiggy ok? You tell him that they attacked me and dad, to get auntiegiri and get him to warp you to they're house. And make sure to tell him that he needs to call me ok? You got all that champ?" He nods slowly, making sure to process what you told him. While this is happening the heroes look in shock at how a 'Villain' is treating his child
He runs off and says I love you papa you say it back. You turn around and stare at the heroes. "You want to know something?" They stay silent and you take that as a yes. "Heres a thought. That I want you to think on. There are no such things as villains and heroes. How you may ask? Because in your point of view we are villains 'doing wrong all the time' to us because we are, in our point of view we are normal people tryna live our lives. This whole world is corrupted by people who call themselves heros but when people who they think they cant save call for help they dont help they walk the other direction." You turn, leaving them speechless. And pick up Dabi's body and start walking away.

        whoooooooweee we are done! Might do a pt2 if its requested. 
                                   I have no idea why I did this but whatever.
                               ~bye sunflowers!!♡

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