Episode Eight: Couples' Edition! Firestar and Sandstorm

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Leafpool sat in her chair. She had come long before the show was meant to start. "Whitestorm," she called to the script writer. "I don't know if we should just do regular episodes. It might get boring for the viewers."

Whitestorm looked up from his typewriter. "True, true. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, we could have special editions! Like Couple Edition, Book Review Edition, stuff like that!"

Whitestorm seemed to be considering this. "I think the viewers will like that."

"Great! I think we should do a Couples' Edition for this episode!"

"Wait, don't you think we should discuss this with Dustp—"

Before he could finish, there was a shout at the door. "If you don't deliver those donuts, I'm calling Hollyleaf and Firestar's Police Force!"

Leafpool groaned. "I guess Squirrelflight's here."

The dark ginger she-cat was yelling into her phone. "No!! Pizza flavored donuts, and that is final!!"

Squirrelflight hung up.

"Oh, hey, guys," she purred causally, as if she hadn't just been screaming about pizza flavored donuts. "Guess what? Two things: Firestar and Hollyleaf put their police forces together, so now it's one whole police force! The other thing...well, never try to order pizza flavored donuts."

Leafpool rolled her eyes. "I'll write that down. Anyway, I had the idea to do special episodes editions every so often!"

Squirrelflight's eyes widened. "Oh my StarClan, lemme go tell Dustpelt!"

She raced backstage, where Dustpelt was again reading Whitestorm's latest novel, Having Three Mates.

"WAFFLEZ!!" a voice shouted. Graystripe charged in, Blossomfall walking slowly behind her father. "I haven't had waffles for a whole half an hour!"

The gray tom stuffed his face with the chewy breakfast food.

Blossomfall took her place behind the camera, waiting for Dustpelt to come and tell her to start filming.

The brown tom emerged from backstage, Squirrelflight at his paws. "Sounds like a good idea to me," he told Leafpool. Squirrelflight squealed and jumped onto her blue plush chair.

Dustpelt nodded to Blossomfall and the tortoiseshell started the camera.

Graystripe stopped eating the waffles and leaped onto the stage. "The Squirrelflight...Squirrelflight...Squirrelflight and Leafpool....Leafpool...Leafpool...The Squirrelflight and Leafpool Show!"

He jumped off the stage and continued eating the waffles.

"Today we have a very special episode for you today," Leafpool announced as she gazed at the script. "We've decided to make special editions every so often, and this is our first one! Today's topic is....Couples' Edition: Firestar and Sandstorm! Please welcome my parents to the show!"

The audience cheered louder than ever as a golden she-cat and a flame-colored tom hopped onto the stage, smiling at the screaming audience.

"Sit down, mother, father," Squirrelflight purred.

Firestar looked confused. "But there's only one chair for guests."

"Both of you can sit in it."

Sandstorm shrugged. "Sounds good to me. C'mon, Fire-Kitty-Love."

"Okay, Sandy-Babe."

"Kits and apprentices watch this show, dear!" Sandstorm hissed.

"Oh, sorry. Sandy-Baby."

"Anyway," Leafpool interrupted, "our first question is, how did you meet?"

"Well, I joined the Clan as a kit," Firestar started.

"I used to hate him," Sandstorm giggled, "but gradually, we fell in love."

"Oh, that is so sweet!" Squirrelflight gushed.

"Next question: Why did you name us Leafkit and Squirrelkit?"

"Well, Leafpool, you're named after Sp..." Firestar began, then cut himself off. "I mean, Leafstar. And Squirrelflight, you're named after your bushy tail!"

Squirrelflight attempted to look at her tail, but fell over. "I'm okay!"

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