01 || Hard to Swallow

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April O'Neil sat at her apartment with her roommate Taylor, patiently waiting for her second roommate, Rosita.

Miss O'Neil had the popcorn, sodas, chips, and other junk food ready for a marathon of Twilight, Harry Potter, and Narnia. If Rosita didn't like those movie choices, there is always Transformers...

The news reporter sighed deeply with a happy tone and loved the setup she created in the living room. "What do you think, Taylor?" April asked her blonde roommate. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"Yeah." She smiled at the cozy-looking couches and blankets. "And this is all because she got honor roll at school?" Taylor had a red blouse on with some black leggings to match.

"Yes!" April grinned, fluffing up the pillows and blankets on the couch. "She's been doing great and I want to make tonight really fun for her."

Taylor nodded and picks up her purse from a chair sitting in the corner of the living room. "All right. Good luck with your movie night with Ro."

"Where are you going?" April asked.

"Oh, I got a date tonight with some guy. Just someone I have been talking to." Taylor chuckled, biting her bottom lip.

April thought it was nice for Taylor to get out of the apartment. She needed-- no, she deserves a date night with someone. It's a great way to have time to herself and add to the memory book. "Okay, Rose and I will be here."

"Cool." Taylor walks to the apartment door. "See you guys later." She opened the door and leaves the apartment. Now it is just April sitting in the living room with snacks on the coffee table.

She patiently waited, munching on a couple of chips and sipping a few drops from her soda can. April checks the time.

2:58 p.m.

Rose ends school at 2:15 p.m.

She should have been here at 2:45 p.m. because she's a fast walker.

"Hm..." April didn't think much of it. Usually once a week, Rose would go to a small market to buy some of her favorite candies. Her candy of choice, Ferro Rochers which she would die for-- Hazelnut surrounded by chocolate and peanut crumbs.

April thinks Rose is getting a few goodies, so she sat back on the couch.

But time passed by quickly after April played a few games on her phone. She checks the time again and this time she began to worry.

It's 3:47 p.m.

"Rose, where are you?" April started to wonder where her best roommate is. She's never late for movie night. "Come on, Ro." She picks up her cellphone on the table and began texting her fifteen-year-old friend. "Where are you?" April asked out loud to the phone while typing the words through the text message.

The message sends through and just about ten minutes after, Rosita still hasn't responded.

O'Neil groaned and spammed Rose's phone with ten more messages. Still no response.

Her anxiety started to escalate higher and higher.

The reporter tries calling, texting some more, called the school, and couldn't track down the teenager. "Oh my gosh..." April whimpered, dialing a number she thought she wouldn't have to call tonight.

"911 where's your emergency?"

"Hello, my roommate hasn't come home from school. I've been texting and calling her phone and there's no answer." She explained. All she hoped for was some kind of help or answers to her friend's whereabouts.

"How long has she been gone?" The operator asked, sounding like she was annoyed with her job.

"Like almost two hours."

"Ma'am," The operator says calmly over the phone. "You can call the police again after twenty-four hours and report a missing person. Until then, I suggest you use the same method in calling and texting your roommate as best you can, okay?"

"Please! She's only fifteen!" April said, stressing on the couch. She's desperate to know where Rose is. She's like a little sister to her.

It sounded like the operator didn't even want to deal with this tonight. "Ma'am, I know it's hard. But please just do your best in contacting her until tomorrow."

"This is a load of bullish*t!" April says bitterly, hanging up the call.

And just as soon as April was going to try contacting Rose again, she received a knock at the door that got her attention. "Rose?!" The young reporter shot up from the couch and raced to the door. She opened it quickly. "Rosita?!"

It wasn't her. It's just a couple of policemen standing tall with notebooks in their hands. "Good evening, ma'am. Are you April O'Neil?" One of them questioned her.

"Yes," April answers. Whenever she saw police, it always made her wonder what she did or if someone she knows has done something. Her face softened to the two male officers. "Sorry, I thought you were my roommate," April said. "What's going on? What can I help you, gentlemen, with?"

"I assume you know Rosita Montez. Is that correct?" The second one asked.

April confirmed it. "Yes. She's my roommate. I've been trying to contact her since she got out of school." She said worriedly.

The first officer sighs and writes what April just said in his notebook. "We came to deliver some devastating news that may be hard for you to swallow." One of the officers said.

That sent chills up April's spine, making the hairs on her neck stand on end. "What...What? What news?"

The first officer said, removing his hat as a gesture of respect. "There have been reports of screams on Wells Street around 2:23 p.m. We went to investigate the scene and found Rosita's belongings have been completely abandoned."

April felt her hands shake as she held the door. "Where is she?"

"Miss O'Neil, we... We fear that Rose has been kidnapped. We don't know who did this but we promise we will do our best to locate her safely." The second officer told her.

This whole news about her roommate made April feel sick to her stomach. She felt tears well up her eyes after it sunk in within seconds. When she blinked, a few tears streamed down her cheeks. "I...No..." April mumbled.

The first officer felt awful for the young woman. "We'll do what we can. Please stay here tonight so we can update you on anything. You shouldn't be given this sort of news. I'm terribly sorry."

April nodded. "Thank you, Officers. Goodnight." She sniffed, closing the door gently. April leans her back on the front door and slides down to bury her face into her knees.

She got up from the door and rushes to the living room to turn on the news. April clicks through the channels and found the channel she was looking for. There are no reports about a missing teenager yet.

Poor April just wanted to have a fun night with her young roommate. Tears soaked her red face for many hours until the reports came on.

"Tonight's reports on Channel 6 News: a fifteen-year-old girl has been kidnapped in broad daylight. More to come at 6 o'clock." A reporter says.

Tonight is ruined because someone has taken April's friend.

They had the guts to take her during the day where they could be seen.

Rose is either really important or the kidnappers are just stupid in the head and want her for the worst.

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