Let You in on a Little Secret

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This story takes place in a season 12 AU where Cristina never left, Derek is still alive, and Jo divorced Paul with the help of Alex after confiding in him about her past at the end of season 9 after what happened with Jason (before the tree situation)

To say he was excited would be an understatement. He was bursting with joy, anticipation, and love. He had tried his best to contain it, truly, but he was sure that he had weirded a few of the nurses out with the large grin that was on his face. He hoped no one would care enough to ask, because if they asked, he didn't know how long he'd be able to keep this secret to himself. And that was saying something, because despite his bluntness and honesty, Alex Karev was a private and guarded person. He knew how to keep a secret if necessary. But today was different. Today he was walking on air. Today he was happy. Today he had finally grown up.

Making his way into the attendings' lounge, he hoped he wouldn't run into anyone. He entered the lounge to find it empty and poured himself a cup of coffee before sitting on the couch to read through a patient chart. He was alone for about ten minutes when the lounge filled with people. He looked up from his coffee and smiled, "Hey guys."

"Karev, what's with the look on your face?" Jackson asked.

"Ooh he's making the 'I just got laid face!' Did you and Wilson do it in an on-call room?" Yang teased.

"No I did not just get laid. I'm just in a good mood today," He answered.

"Alex Karev in a good mood? Yeah I'll believe that when pigs fly," Callie snorted.

"Whatever, I can be in a good mood if I want to. I had a great night, a great morning, a successful tumor resection, a cool surgery scheduled today, and I get to tell a kid and his parents that we found a lung after 2 years of searching."

There was a pause before Cristina spoke, "Ah! So he got laid last night and this morning."

There was a chorus of laughter as Meredith walked into the lounge. "What are we laughing about?" She asked.

"Alex is all bright and shiny today because he got laid last night and this morning," Cristina wiggles her eyebrows.

"Shut up," Alex grumbled. "I already told you guys. I'm not smiling because I got laid. I told you, I've been having a very good day today. I'm allowed to smile."

Meredith's eyes widened as she walked over and pressed her hand to his forehead, "Well he doesn't have a fever so it's definitely not the delirium talking."

Alex rolled his eyes, "You know what? I'm not gonna let it bother me. I'm having a good day and I'm not gonna let anyone ruin it. I'm gonna go see patients."

A few hours later, he was at the nurses station updating a few charts when he felt a pair of airs wrap around his waist. Smiling, he pulled them closer to him before turning, "Hey."

"Hey," a beaming Jo answered.

"How's your day been so far?"

"Great! Callie keeps asking me why I'm smiling so wide today. She mentioned that you seemed to be in a very good mood this morning and asked me if we had really hot sex this morning."

Alex laughed, "Yeah... they kept teasing me about the goofy look on my face while we were in the lounge. Yang was convinced that we had just come back from a quickie in an on-call room."

Jo chuckled, "If only they knew the real reason we're so giddy today. I think they might combust."

"You're probably right. I know we said we weren't gonna make a big deal about it yet but, I've gotta tell someone before I spontaneously combust."

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