Chapter 16

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"Open up!" I banged on the back door of the school.

Luckily, Hunter High hadn't gotten in yet. It was my only chance to warn them.

Then, I got an idea. I took a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock.

The door popped open with no struggle.

I ran in and saw the football procession walking into the gym.

Shang's head was visible in the doorway.

"Shang!" I yelled.

He turned and saw me.

His muscled face formed a frown.

"Mulan, just go." He turned back around and walked back into the gym.

I ran to catch up with him.

"Shang, Hunter High-"

"I said leave." He said through gritted teeth.

I took a deep breath, "Listen, I know. I should've never tried out for the team in the first place but right now that's not the problem. Hunter High is trying to sabotage the dance."

I grabbed his arm.

"They only sabotage if they win." He shrugged my arm off and walked back into the gym. The crowds applauded for the team.

I was going to have to convince some other people.

"Hunter High is trying to sabotage the dance!" I told a girl in the crowd.

"Nice try." She walked away.

I walked over to two more people.

Then, the crowd erupted in applause.

I saw the principal walk out on stage. His Snow White beard and bald head glistened in the bright lights.

A dragon mascot ran down the aisle to get the crowd riled up.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. I would like to give my whole hearted appreciation to our varsity football team who brought us victory this night." He said.

The crowd cheered again.

Then all of the sudden, the lights went black.


Sorry! These have been pretty short chapters!

I jut want to thank all if my supporters like belle-of-the-ball-xo and noobie101 for all of the comments and ideas you have given me!!! I appreciate your feedback sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! Your votes have been amazing the comments have been so helpful and I can't thank you enough!

Love y'all always!!!


P.S. I know my username isn't Disney at all but that is my username for everything and I'm a total Potterhead😋. Comment if u r too!

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