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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem. 
(In the name of Allah the most Gracious, the most Merciful)

Assalam u alaikum, I would like you all to know that I am not a scholar so if you find any mistake or have any confusion feel free to point out or talk about it. Jazak Allah

Today I want to discuss these two of the many amazing names of Allah which made me feel relaxed and at ease.

AR-RAHMAN and AR-RAHEEM are the names which made me discuss the beauty hidden in these letters.

AR-RAHMAN and AR-RAHEEM are derived from the Arabic word "Rahmah" which means "Mercy"

Or more specifically, "to show mercy in order to bring benefit to."

Rahmah refers to a kind of mercy which benefits the people.

Ibn-Abbas (R.A.) said, "They are two soft names, one of them is softer than the other." 

AR-RAHMAN, refers to show mercy to the entire creation as a whole out at all times. 

AR-RAHMAN is transient, deals with the human right now. 

AR-RAHMAN is mentioned in the Quran 57 times, only six times paired with AR-RAHEEM.

"If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."
(Surah An-Nisa', 110)

AR-RAHMAN, this word has no limits and boundaries as it indicates Allah's mercy to every single creation in this world. He promised to a sinner, a pious, a Muslim, a non-Muslim each of His creation for His Mercy.

AR-RAHMAN makes my heart feel so light, knowing that Allah will be showering His Mercy on us. 

Have you ever considered something while Reading Surah Fatiha? 

This is the first surah which describes how Allah is. 

(Surah Fatiha, ayah;2)

Allah has introduced Him to us by using these names. Not by telling us that He will be punishing us or He will be angry with us, instead He used AR-RAHMAN and AR-RAHEEM to tell us that He is the Most Merciful. He wants us to know that before thinking that our sins are so much bigger, we should know that His Merciful nature  knew no bounds.

AR-RAHMAN, not only associate with a Muslim, but also with a non-Muslim, giving us a message not to think of racism on behalf of anything

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AR-RAHMAN, not only associate with a Muslim, but also with a non-Muslim, giving us a message not to think of racism on behalf of anything.

He who creates everything in this universe and beyond this, has mentioned His mercy for the non-Muslims too, then who are we to judge them?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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