getting the tablet back

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Ok I'm not doing everything that happens in the film because loads of people do that and I want to do my own twist on it.

Ahkmenrah then commanded the Jackels to throw something at the fence so we could get out. The jackels do it and we escape. We see Huns. I run up to them and speak hun because they are trying to kill daddy. "Jag nask ios." I tell Attila. He nods. "What did you tell him?" Dad asked. "I told him that you aren't trying to kill him." I said bluntly walking off, Ahkmenrah and Nicky following. Dad quickly comes in front and makes this long boring speech. I didn't pay any attention unless he mentioned me but I still didn't pay attention. "Nicky what do we have to do?" I whisper to my brother. "Were you paying any attention?" He whispered back. "You should know I don't do really long and boring speeches." I whispered to him. "I don't understand it." He whispered to me. "Yes you do. You want me top get into trouble." I said then Started chasing him. We ran into the tall white haired man. He grabbed me by the neck making it hard to breathe. "What do you want from me?" I asked as best I could. "You beat me up so I'm going to kidnap you." He said. "How's that even fair?" I asked him, making him think. While he was thinking I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine making him stop holding me. I then started beating him up even more. I knock him out just as everyone else gets here. "How did you do that Beth?" Daddy asked. "Dad he started strangling me and as I said nobody hurts this awesomeness and gets away with it." I explained again. He just nods. "Wait he strangled you?" Daddy asked. I nod and show him my neck. Sure enough it was already bruising. "Dad it hurts." I say but it comes out as a whisper. "I know Beth." Daddy says pulling ne into a hug. "Theodore Roosevelt at your service." The man on the horse said. "Beth Daley at yours." I whisper. Everyone introduces themselves to me. I introduce myself with a lot of pain. I shake it off though. We didn't notice the man I knocked unconscious gain consciousness and leave with the tablet. "Jed, Octavious come with me." I tell the two little men. They follow me. I lead them outside. "You need to destroy the tyre of the van so they can't go anywhere." I whisper to them. They nod and I give them a pin. I go back inside where dad, Nicky, Sakagewea and Ahkmenrah are. "Ok so the van is being taken care off." I whisper to them. They nod and we go outside where the van has gone. "It's gone. Sakagewea can you track them?" Daddy asked. She nods. "They went east but lost control of the wagon. Then they went back." She said. "Why would they go back?" I asked. Then it dawned upon me. He was going to get money carriers. "They are going to use money carriers." I said. Somebody then shouted to get out of the way. Sakagewea was then pushed out of the way by Teddy. I crawl to him. So does daddy and Sakagewea. "Teddy. Your in two." I whisper. "Relax Beth. I'm made of wax. Larry you have to do something. Half the museum is running a muck outside." Teddy says. "Well then. Rexy come here. Teddy, I'm going to need a horse." Daddy says. "Do it lad." Teddy says. I whistle and my brown pony gallops to me. "Good by Samson. You can have a carrot after we've done this." I say to Hin, stoking his muzzle. "Who's this?" Everyone asked, including daddy and Nicky. "Oh everyone this is my baby Samson. Daddy I only just got him but I've trained him to come when I whistle." I say to them. "Oh Macafudge. I forgot your tack Samson. Looks like it's time to start bareback riding." I say jumping onto his back. "I do have your bridle though. Nicky go to my car and get the bridle in it." I tell my younger brother. He nods and runs to it. He comes back quickly with it. I put it on him and start galloping after the old night guard. "Pull over old man." I shout to him. "No can do little girl. These are money carriers. They can only stop at a secret word." He sneers back. "Oh like Dakota!" I shout. The horses stop suddenly and the old man is flung over with the tablet. I get off Samson and pick up the tablet. I knock out the man. Daddy comes then with Attila and the Huns. "Makikaka." I tell Attila before he asks to rip him. He nods and thanks me. "What did you tell him?" Daddy asked. "That he can pull that old night guard a little." I told daddy. He just nods. I walk to Nicky with Samson. "How was riding Rexy?" I asked him. "It was awesome!! How did you ride like that?" Nicky asked me. "I put faith in Samson. I trust him with anything like that." I told him. I got on Samson and started rounding the animals up. I gave the tablet to Ahkmenrah. "You know the tablet. Can you get everyone back in the museum?" I asked him and he nodded. "Ok Rexy, money carriers, follow me." I shouted to them. I started cantering with them quickly following me. If they stopped I told them to hurry up. We quickly got to the museum. Soon everyone was there. "Wait where are Jed and Octavious?" I asked no one in particular. "They blew up." Dad said. I kicked him in the shin again. I walked outside and noticed two little things climbing up the steps. "Jed! Octavious!" I shouted and ran to them and picked them up. "You can't get rid of us that easy." Jed said and I grinned. I walked inside. "Look who I found!" I said. Ahkmenrah came up to me. "Your father thought they were dead." He said. "No one's getting rid of them that easy." I said. We walked to Daddy. He was with a lady. "Daddy!" I whined. "Beth!" He whined. I kicked his shin. "Rebecca this is Beth, my daughter and this is king Ahkmenrah. Beth, Ahkmenrah this is Rebecca." Daddy said introducing us. "Nice to meet you. Daddy I'm going home." I tell him and drive home. I fell straight asleep as soon as I hit the marshmallow bed. 

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