going to the Smithsonian

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3 years later.

Hello, Beth here. So after that incident 3 years ago, Dad quit the job and left me by myself. Me and Ahkmenrah may or may not be together. We haven't kissed or anything just hugged and that sort of thing. Dad became famous. He only came to the museum once a month and I barely talk to him. I was just about to start my shift when there was a knock on the door. I opened it knowing it was dad. "What is going on?" Dad asked me, seeing everything in boxes. "Wax museums aren't popular anymore thanks to technology so these are going to the archives in the Smithsonian." I said. Sundown so everything is about to come alive. "Lawrence. Good to see you again." Teddy said. "Yeah I heard everything is going to the archives in the Smithsonian." Dad said. So much for trusting me. "Yes." Teddy said. After dad had seen everyone, it was sunrise. "Dad can we go the archives tomorrow because I have a feeling Kahmunrah will be there and something bad is going to happen." I say to Dad. "Yeah. We need to get there before sundown though." I nod.

Later that night

"Dad what's wrong?" I asked Dad who was at my door. "Jed rang. Kahmunrah is there and is trying to get the tablet." Dad said. We ran to my car and I drove to the Smithsonian. After 5 horrible hours, we got there. We looked around and then we saw where the tablet should be. Dad then got in an argument with the guard because he tryed touching where the tablet should be. He stole the guards id badge and then a uniform. He did something else making me really confused. We then saw the national history museum box where everyone was. They weren't alive yet though. We grabbed the tablet via long stick when it glowed. "Oh macafudge." I whispered. Kahmunrah then shouted some ancient Egyption. "So you must be Larry Daley." He sneered. "I imagined you would be taller from your friends description. What are you, 5/10?" Kahmunrah asked. "5/9 change." Dad said. "And you must be Beth." Kahmunrah said turning to me. "KAHMUNRAH IF YOU DARE DO ANYTHING TO HER I WILL HURT YOU SO BAD!!" Ahkmenrah shouted from the box. "Well if my brother wants her so much then he can have her. Throw her in." Kahmunrah commanded. I literally get thrown in onto Teddy. "Sorry Teddy." I said. "Its fine Beth. It wasn't your fault." Terry said getting up. I run to Ahkmenrah. "Ok is your brother like this all the time?" I ask him. "Unfortunately yes." Ahkmenrah answers. "I was at a Prestine school which is why I can speak English." Kahmunrah said after my dad asked him how he could speak English. "Oh so you went to Cambridge then?" Dad asked. "HE WISHES!!" Ahkmenrah shouted. "Ahkmenrah calm down." I soothe. "CAMBRIDGE IS THE ONLY PRISTINE SCHOOL IN ENGLAND YOU TWIT!!" I shout. "I went to Birmingham tech." Kahmunrah said completely ignoring my comment. "THAT IS SO NOT A PRISTINE SCHOOL!!! THAT IS A HORRIBLE SCHOOL AND NOTHING PRISTINE HAPPENS THERE!!!" I shouted. Ahkmenrah started calming me down. "Birmingham is such a pristine school. Yes it wasn't Cambridge with the big exhibits and tombs but it is still a very pristine school." Kahmunrah said. "WHY CANT YOU JUST GET OVER THE FACT AHKMENRAH IS BETTER THAN YOU!! BIRMINGHAM IS RUBBISH AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT SO STOP BRAGGING ABOUT HOW GOOD YOUR PRECIOUS SCHOOL IS!!! JUST GET OVER THE FACT AHKMENRAH WENT TO A BETTER BRITISH SCHOOL!!! AND I SHOULD KNOW WHAT SCHOOLS ARE GOOD BECAUSE I AM BRITISH YOU TWAT!!" I shouted. I think I startled everyone. Including myself. After that he shut up about Birmingham and how good it is. After a while I heard them leaving. Everyone started crowding around me. "Beth how did you even do that?" Octavious asked. "He was getting on my nerves. So I guess I lost my temper." I shrugged. "We never thought you would have it in you." Teddy asked. I hit his arm. "Ow I meant we never realised how much you would do for us." Teddy said rubbing his arm. I roll my eyes and get my Chihuahua out of my bag. I start playing with her. She started shaking and tryed hiding in me. "Honey. There's no reason to be scared. Look I'll introduce you. Honey this is Ahkmenrah, Teddy, Sacagawea, Attila, Jedediah, Octavious and Dexter. Ahkmenrah, Teddy, Sacagawea, Attila, Jedediah, Octavious and Dexter meet Honey." I said introducing them. She slowly gets up. Funny fact about me, I can understand animals and animals can understand me. "Are you sure it's safe?" Honey asked. "Yes Honey go on. These are my friends." I tell her. "Ok. I trust you." Honey said walking up to Dexter. "Dexter don't slap Honey please." I told Dexter. "Fine." Dexter said and hugged Honey. "Are you talking to the animals?" Teddy asked. I nervously laugh. "Funny thing about me. I can kinda understand animals and animals can kinda understand me." I tell them. Their jaws drop. "How can you understand them?" Octavious asked. "How am I supposed to know? I just can." I say. "Beth their scaring me." Honey said racing to me. "Oh Honey. Their not going to hurt you." I say picking her up. She starts licking my face a making me go on my back. "Honey stop it." I said laughing. "No. I will never stop." Honey said still licking me. "Please can someone get her off me. She's ignoring me." I said. Attila takes her off and she starts barking and growling. "Something's wrong with her. She's not usually like this." I said. If only there was a way to get her back to normal. Wait Samson!!! I whistle and sure enough my brown stallion gallops to me. The guards draw their spears. "If you hurt him I will kill you slowly, intimately in every way I know you fear." I threatened. Everyone backed away from me. "What? It's a line of my favourite film. I only used it to scare them." I said. I exit the box. The guards draw their spears. I glare diggers at them, scaring them. I just laugh and get onto Samson. "Anyone else want to come?" I ask. They all nod. "Teddy, Texas is over there." I said pointing to his horse. He nods and gets on him. "Ok. Everyone. We need a big entrance, Ahkmenrah has to have the biggest though because this is his brother we are talking about." I say. We get to where Kahmunrah is. "Give it up Kahmunrah." I said. "How did you escape?" He asked. Everyone pointed to me. "I threatened them. And I can easily threaten you." I spat. "Can you easily threaten me when......" He started speaking in ancient Egyptian. I got confused and so did everyone but Ahkmenrah. Until of course it was to late. He had killed Samson. I looked at my horse with pain. Then I got really angry. I ran to Kahmunrah and started hurting him. "HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU KILL MY PONY? THIS IS THE PART WHERE I HURT YOU SO BAD! EVERYONE LEAVE PLEASE." I shouted. Everyone left and I started beating him up. When I had finished, I walked to where Samson lay with tears pouring down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Samson. I should have been there on time. I never should have gotten off you. I'm never going to forgive myself Samson." I said, stroking him where he was stabbed. Blood covered my hands. After about 2 hours like that, I left the room, covered in blood. Everyone crowded around me. "Whose blood is that?" Jedediah asked me. "Sa Sam Samson's blood." I managed to choke out. Just then, Dad came round the corner with a woman. "Beth whose blood is that?" He asked. "Samsons!" I wailed. "Oh Beth. Where is he?" Dad asked. "Next to a beat up Kahmunrah." I said. "Dont tell me you. eat up Kahmunrah after he killed Samson." Dad complained. "Dad he killed Samson!! My horse!! What was I supposed to do? Go you killed my horse. Okey dokey." I said, sarcasm oozing in my voice. Dad just sighed. "Bethan Mary Daley your in big trouble. Just because he killed Samson doesn't mean you can beat him up." Dad said. "I froze. After 2 minutes I stood up. "Dont you ever call me that again. If you do I will kill you slowly, intimately in every way I know you fear." I threatened again. Everyone stepped away from. "It's a line from my favourite film!" I say. "Beth you have to stop watching the avengers." Dad said. "NEVER!!! Beth smash puny Dad." I said. "Ok Beth your banned from watching the avengers." Dad said. "Nooooooo!!! My Clintasha, Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk!! You cannot ban me petty human. Ok I see your point now but you can't ban me. *gasping* Loki could have taken over you!! Loki has returned as my dad!! Everybody run for your lives!!!" I said running around, throwing my arms about and screaming. "Phil." Dad said making me stop and cry. "Phil!!! He didnt deserve to die!!! Curse you Loki!! Omg I've just had an epic idea!!! Thank you daddy for giving it to me!!" I start screaming again. I think I've scared everyone. Eh who cares? Not me!! "Ok somebody hits a guard over the head with a big gun. Then that person says 'you like this? We started working on the prodotype after you sent an army from the underworld.' Then you pretend to get stabbed. You fall and pretend to bleed to death. Then I get to start an awesome fight that should end in Kahmunrah trying to take over me but failing, him throwing me somewhere and then I get up and say 'and there's one other person you've pissed off. His name is Samson.' That is my awesome plan which I got from the avengers." I shout. "And then we battle aliens and then I say I can close the portal. By the way only 6 people can fight, one has to pretend to die and then there are the 6 avengers which is me and 5 men. Everyone got that?" I ask. I may have overwhelmed them. "Beth I seriously think you have an obsession." Dad says softly. "Dad this is my way to cope with Samsons death." I said. "Dad I'm going to my car to get the things that we need. see you all in a bit." I continued. I walked to my car.


I am not trying to offend Birmingham or anything but I needed to make Kahmunrah go to a terrible school because I am editing this story and I have decided it to be an important piece to the story. I don't mean anything by it as this is a fanFICTION!! Fiction as in not real. If I do offend I am really sorry. I actually quite like Birmingham itself so I have nothing against it. Sorry if I do offend anyone of you.

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