Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hayden blinked at the scene in front of him and frowned. He turned to his father who seemed deeply ecstatic and wondered where his surprise was. It was his 14th birthday and his father had gotten him up at the crack of dawn to show him his big present. Anticipation had racked through Hayden’s head as he thought of all the possibilities- and then they had arrived at the boxing club. Trying to come up with any explanation, Hayden followed his dad into the building and was about to ask, when to his utter shock, his dad yelled “surprise!” and as his father’s voice rang throughout the empty rink he figured his surprise must somehow be tied to the boxing gloves his dad was holding and the proud gleam in his wide eyes.

"I've signed you up for boxing lessons! Just like when I was your age!” His father announced and clasped a hand onto Hayden’s shoulder.

Hayden physically deflated. oh. OH. He thought. So he, being a 120 pound walking catastrophe, was supposed to take lessons in boxing. He sighed and looked up but when his eyes reached his fathers he knew he couldn't let him down, he knew he had to make his father proud. Slapping on a grin, he took the boxing gloves and went up to the ring and climbed into it breathing in and out deeply.

"In one week Hayden, you'll be practicing in that ring, against other boys your age. This could even help you make new friends! Isn't it a great idea?" And Hayden nodded although he didn't really think it was that great of an idea. Sitting in the ring facing his beaming father he cringed but continued to just breathe in and out, how bad could boxing really be?

One week passed far too quickly, and Hayden was questioning his willing nature and the idea of boxing. His stomach churned and he thought he would vomit breakfast all over his father’s Volvo interior before he even reached the building.

"You can do it son, go in there and make me proud!” his dad bellowed over 101.1 radio before half hugging Hayden as he got out of the car. Hayden smiled back at his father, unsure and shaky, he entered the building and signed in “Hayden Walker.” He skimmed the list and then continued to find his coach amongst the crowds developing.

Hayden finally found his coach and stood their awkwardly before he cleared his throat.

The tall man with broad shoulders and a name tag, David, turned around and looked down making brief eye contact before scanning his clip board finding the only name he hasn’t checked off yet.

“Are you Hayden Walker?” He questioned the brown haired boy in his presence and Hayden nodded nervously, biting at the corner of his lip and then cursing at himself as that had been a bad habit he had wanted to stop.

“Alright..” the coach continued and motioned towards a group of boys, much taller and more muscular then Hayden was “.. that’s the team over there, we are going to do some basic warm ups before we head to the ring ok?” and Hayden could only nod, all attempts at a verbal response getting caught in his throat and he swallowed thickly following the coach.

The warming up went by a lot faster then Hayden had anticipated and he cringed as he saw them approach the ring. He turned to look at his team members to see them all crowded around one member specifically. Jay Daniels.

Jay was the fastest ,tallest, most muscular boy on the boxing team and he was also 15 in comparison to the other boys ages of 14. He had perfect blonde hair and a killer six pack and if Hayden was gay… WAS… he would totally be drooling.

They get ready to partner up and Hayden gets partnered with a kid who, no offense, looks like his diet consists of twinkies and soda. He feels beads of sweat form on the back of his neck and wipes it off, they haven’t even started boxing yet and his nerves are getting the best of him. Pulling the boxing gloves onto his hands, he thinks about his dads gleam and gains a bit more confidence as he climbs into the ring. Obviously lacking the experience the other boys have, he watches as the fatter boy opposing him punches his hand in a reading stance and Hayden does the same weakly.

“Hayden, Bruce! One of you make the first move!” So Hayden stepped forward and attempted to pull a left hook missing completely and getting his feet kicked right from underneath him.

“Good try Hayden! Shake it off!” he stood up dazed before trying again. And again. And again. But always ending up flat on his back. He rose angrily and charged at Bruce and felt a full forced punch hit him square in the jaw. He groaned in pain and was sent straight down onto the ground not bothering to get up.

“Wow, What a weakling, can’t even take a punch” and he dejectedly looked at the ceiling as he recognized that voice as Jay Daniels. He heard the other boys mumble agreements but all were still enthralled with Hayden lying on the ground still. The dizzying faded after about five minutes and coach helped him rise to his feet and patted his back awkwardly.

“Good try son.” Coach tried and Hayden brushed it off and made his way to the locker room hearing the other boys rowdy voices carrying over the stacks of lockers and out the door.

“Hey look it’s Hayden, the boy who can’t take a hit!” He faced Jay with a scowl before sighing as he had no witty comeback. The other boys laughed as if it were the funniest comment in the world. I wonder if they’d laugh if it was aimed towards them Hayden wondered pushing through everyone and out into the fresh spring air.

His dad’s familiar Volvo was sitting out front, his father inside reading a sports illustrated, and he walked up to it and knocked on the shot guns window. His father sat up and unlocked the doors over enthusiastically.

“So…” Hayden’s father began “How was it?” and Hayden sighed. Again. But he slapped on a smile and turned up 101.1.

“Great!” He yelled over the music, “I’m so happy you signed me up I can’t thank you enough” and Hayden’s father yelled along to the rock hits as they sped down the highway windows down and heated wind blowing into their sunscreen clad faces without a care in the world. 

A/N- Please leave feedback! Thank you! ~ 

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