Chapter 2: Tournaments and Jay Daniels

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(Present Day)

Hayden’s face buried deeper into the pillow as he groaned hearing his alarm clock going off on impulse at exactly 5:30 am signaling that today, unfortunately, was a boxing tournament day. He rose to his feet and wandered over to the mirror and stared at his reflection, a lot has changed in the past two years. He was now capable of driving a car although he had to have a parent with him for the time being, he was okay with that.

Physically? Hayden might as well have been mistaken as a shrub if it weren’t for the little slab of muscle that was evenly distributed throughout his body. He sighed and pulled on a t-shirt and some sweats from his middle school. Eye lids half closed he turned the shower on and waltzed right in before letting out a blood curdling scream. He jumped out a shivered as he had forgotten the “golden shower rule” – wait for the shower to actually warm up. He heard his dad laughing from down the hallway and scowled at himself with a sheepish grin. He tried again and the water was actually quite nice as it cascaded down his skin like ripples on the sand. He used his favorite smelling shampoo and as soon as he got out he applied a generous amount of gel to achieve the quiff that almost came natural to him.

He fiddled with it for a minute or two longer than necessary and continued to descend the stairs to run into his father.

“So Hayd,” His father used the familiar nickname “I hear serious match today! You better be ready to kick some butt” and Hayden could just nod because he and his father both knew that he wouldn’t take anyone down anytime soon and Hayden felt a bit guilty at that thought.

The drive down was filled with a comfortable silence that Hayden appreciated very much.

“I’ll be here at 6pm on the dot to pick you up and I better hear some good news so we have a reason to celebrate at outback” his father winked and then drove off as Hayden sighed. Added pressure on his shoulders, he thought sadly and then hurried into the building mentally preparing for the warm up and Jay’s snide remarks.

You’d think after two whole years that Jay would’ve become nicer or at least a bit more mature, being 17 and all. But he had remained the huge dick from two years prior and Hayden had remained the useless wallflower without a violent bone in his body. He wished he could be taller, more popular, muscular, but sadly he wasn’t given those cards.

As he walked through the door he spotted his team within seconds and his eyes immediately searched for the familiar blonde haired boy that he hated. Jay stood in the middle of other boys surrounding him and leaned back laughing at something. Hayden took in a sharp breath and tried to avoid trailing his eyes down Jay’s body. God Hayden get yourself together he thought. Hayden had come out gay directly after his 15th birthday and only his father knew and he wanted to keep it that way. Now, it’s not like Hayden had a CRUSH or anything on Jay, god no. But he did know a hot boy when he saw one and Jay Daniels, well, he was definitely considered hot.

Hayden lowered his gaze and sulked over to his team to warm up.

“Aw, I’m surprised you even showed up at all! Not like you’ve ever won an actual match Hayd-win or should I say Hayd-lose.” And ding ding Jay has realized his arrival. He turned just in time to see Jay high fiving the others and rolled his eyes, asshole. He strolled over to the warm up mats and began stretching, ignoring the way the others laughed while walking by him. He couldn’t use the jealousy excuse because lets face it, its not like any of the boys were actually JEALOUS of Hayden, he knew that much. Cringing as his coach approached, he jumped up and hurried to the bathroom,

“I need some space!’ he told coach before wandering off hoping none of the others would follow.

As he made his way to the bathroom and walked in he came face to face, well face to chest, with a taller much more muscular boy. He winced and rubbed his forehead with a groan.

“Watch where you’re going” the other boy sneered before pushing Hayden aside then stopping abruptly.

“You’re Hayden. Hayden Walker “ The other boy sneered and turned to Hayden and Hayden nodded hoping this was a good recognition.

“In the flesh?” he questioned and then felt a smack to the left side his face that shook him to the core. He groaned clutching his face and slid down the wall.

“Guess who got lucky and get’s to fight me? You did shit face” and Hayden inwardly groaned again. Seriously? Could his luck get any worse? And apparently it could.

“I’m Mason. Nice to meet you early, but I bet you’ll forget my name anyways after I knock you out cold” the boy- Mason laughed bitterly and kicked Hayden in the stomach as Hayden tried to crawl backwards and he fell forward with a cry.

“Yep….Probably….” Hayden coughed out trying to please the 200 pound boy towering over him. But apparently the gods were not with him that day and he felt another swift kick to his back.

“I have to go, punching bag. See you at the match… if you can even stand up” and he heard that stupid cackle as Mason left leaving him to cough up…. Blood?!?! Hayden’s frantic eyes looked down at the blood he had just coughed up and then his stomach decided to puke out all of this mornings breakfast. Hayden fell back down and laid on his back turning into a ball missing the bathroom door open and close.

“Hey Hayden quit jerking off and come run laps, coach is looking for you, you’re up first for matches- Hayden??” He recognized that voice ALL too well. Jay.

Hayden rose his head and opened his eyes, the dizzying clearing up a bit.

“Dude! What happened?” Jay looked genuinely concerned, uh oh that means he probably had a concussion. Jay Daniels definitely only had one emotion, which was hate.

“Mason- H-he-“ Hayden hissed ad shut his eyes as he felt a wave of nausea wash over him and he felt a sting of tears rise to his face with the already pink tint he had. He would never live this down.

“Did he… HIT you?” He watched as Jay’s eyes widened in realization. Hayden could only nod and wince as a tear fell down his face.

Jay crouched down and took Hayden’s head and picked it up gently.

“Hey,” Jay spoke with such a gentle tone that Hayden was sure he was going crazy. “I need to get you out of here so we can get you patched up and removed from the match ok?” and all Hayden could, continue, doing is nod weakly.

“First things first, can you stand?” Jay questioned and Hayden hesitantly nodded before attempting to stand. He didn’t get very far before he almost fell back, but got caught by Jays hands around his middle.

“hey, hey, its okay don’t stress it” and Hayden felt a blush creep onto his cheeks.

Then, before he could protest, he felt warm hands wrap around his back and then under his knees, picking him easily up off the ground in one swift motion.

“Lucky I didn’t skip weight day” Jay joked and pulled Hayden closer as he grew more tired by each minute eyes drifting shut. He burrowed deeper into Jay’s side and clutched his shirt in his fist tightly.

“So warm” he slurred as he started falling asleep and he drifted off to Jay chuckling and pulling Hayden even closer to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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