Year two

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Julian had just flown in from his trip to Canada last night and woke up by falling out of his bed. A loud thud was heard from the apartments below as he groaned in the stinging pain he felt striking through his body. He got up rather slowly, scratching his head in a daze as he slipped on whatever shirt and pants he touched first from the confines of his drawer. He wore dark blue jeans, a white shirt with a brown leather jacket, and some brown boots, taking a pair of black sunglasses to hide the bags under his eyes. He styled his straight brown hair, did his morning routine, and sighed, he felt like he was doing everything backward. Skipping breakfast, he left his apartment and took the elevator down to the lobby, Though it was only then when he remembered he left his school bag and sighed, going back up to grab it... Being so tired didn't make him realize that he was bound to be so forgetful, the routine was supposed to be engraved in his head like a fine painting, though now it was just blurry from the Summer he had spent abroad.

He had stopped by his parent's house to wake up his little sister for her first day of school since apparently she had started giving them trouble ever since he started visiting less frequently. He helped her get ready for her first day in day care, she seemed overly excited about going. The girl was about five years old, while Julian himself was seventeen. He loved his sister, with all of his heart, and she loved him. He waved goodbye to his parents, trying to be a good influence for her sake and the two walked and talked as he let her lead him to her day care. The small but lighthearted conversation was mostly about how her summer had been, and he seemed to be much too interested in it for a high schooler. He didn't want to go to school today due to how tired he was but he had already missed the first day and couldn't afford to miss her first day at day care or fall behind in school, that was surely the last thing he needed.

Mauri on the other hand, when he woke up he actually slept in a little past his alarm- and only had he just then realized that he had. He softly cursed to himself for sleeping in, thrashing in an attempt to get up, leading him to fall off his hammock. Which. Actually really hurt.

The sound prompted his little brothers to run into the room at record speeds with a box of bandaids. Juno dumped all of the bandaids on Mauri and said, "He has a boo boo!." Mauri coughed slightly there on the ground, but he offered the twins a small and said, "thank you.."

He got up and he had gotten dressed in the school uniform, blue overcoat, white undershirt, a rather standard prep-school uniform type deal. He was supposed to take his little brothers to daycare this morning since miss Holly couldn't bother to take them. He helped his brothers get ready, making sure they didn't have their shirts on backwards, barely keeping track long enough to make sure that they hadn't run away, they were off to daycare faster than he'd ever want to go. Or could go, he was stuck on that crutch of his, his leg too weak to hold himself up anymore. 

Sona was eating an apple and Juno of course got some chocolate from Mauri's little stash.

Mauri's little stash.

Julian and Mabel reached the daycare first, Julian kneeled down to give her a hug, she latched onto him and didn't let go, "I missed you.." She said, a bit upset. "I missed you too... but I'm back now!" He said to try and cheer her up.

"That's not the point Juli, you left again and this time to somewhere where I couldn't see you..." Her eyes swelled up with tears

'Damn... she's only 5 and is catching onto things way too quickly...' He thought,

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, I'm never gonna leave you Mabel, I'll always come back okay?" He said and smiled at her reassuringly. The girl sniffed as a tear fell down her face but was quickly whipped away by Julian's thumb.

"P-promise?" She asked shakily and held out her pinkie, he smiled, "Promise." and held out his pinkie, they interlocked fingers and shook on it, she smiled. Suddenly he scooped her up and flung her into the air, she screamed and giggled as he caught her and they both laughed for a moment,

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