A Blue Sky

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Flying over the clouds
My wings are open
There is no sounds
But the heartbeats of my heart
And you should come
This feeling is amazing
You'll not feel dumb
My world is changing

You should fly like a bird
And feeling the wind in your hairs 
You should take your time
I'll make it mine
And if you cry

Just remember the blue blue sky
You should fly away
That's what they said

Choose your feathers
They'll guide you through your life
I'll be back later
And bring you something nice

You should fly like a bird
And feeling the wind in your hairs 
You should take your time
I'll make it mine
And if you cry
Just remember the blue blue sky
You should fly away
That's what I said

Alone with my mind
Why are they so kind
I feel like something's coming
But I don't know what
I'm flying lonely(flying lonely)

You should fly like a bird
And feeling the wind in your hairs 
You should take your time
I'll make it mine

Heyyyy mes p'tits loups ! 

Encore une chanson, mais sur un autre thème que l'amour (bah ui, faut varier)

En espérant que ça vous plaise ^-^

Tchuss !

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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