A responce poem

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(Not proud of it. It doesn't make a lot of sense)

Living in the generation you so mentioned it is easy to notice all of the truths behind your poem
You say that our generation is just trying to fill a pointless void
Listening to rap and hip hop
All just to entertain ourselves from the chaotic world around us

However you talk down to our generation as if your's had no flaws.
You may speak as if your flaws didn't exist
We are given the time to ask, given time to pray, and given time to prepare for our lives.
You were a part of this what adults call a trouble generation if that's what they even call it
But filling the void at a young age is difficult.
Having something to die for isn't easy to come by

In some strange way it isn't our fault
Adults take so much time and effort to keep this generation safe
They do so well that most children don't have lives outside of the screen
Will we ever get past this stage of being too careful?
I am not sure.

I pray and hope that we are given the opportunities to succeed
Time can only tell
For now I say we go and find something worth dying for

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