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OF COURSE, you could never expect kids to be kids forever, could you? The children eventually grew up. Though, Ben met an unfortunate fate and didn't last long as his siblings. Five and Y/N mysteriously disappeared. Now, there were just Five remaining.

Number One was sent to the moon by their father with a task to send reports living all alone.

Number Two left the academy to study criminology and now he's out there somewhere saving lives of the people who desperately needed it.

Number Three also left the academy and became an actress. She got married to her now ex-husband. The woman had a child named Claire. Much to her dismay, long story short, she was unlucky when Patrick witnessed her use her powers on her daughter which made him gain full custody of their child.

Number Four, however, was sent to rehabilitation for getting intoxicated a lot at the age of thirteen.

Number Seven had troubles with everyone in the academy after publishing an autobiography which was a huge success for quite a while. After it went down, she focused on her violin and ended up playing in an orchestra on the third chair.

21st of March, 2019, the eccentric billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves' death was reported all around the world. Klaus was released from rehabilitation and found out shortly after being resuscitated by a police officer in an ambulance.

Diego was in the middle of saving a family when he heard the news on the television.

Luther went back to earth upon hearing about the tragedy.

Allison was being interviewed by reporters while posing on a red carpet when she found out by a male asking her questions that she knew lead to another unfortunate event.

Vanya was headed home when she found out while walking downtown on a television screen from a shop front. So, the children had no other choice but to go back to the academy for the funeral and oh boy, how things got messed up.


Once Vanya arrived at the academy, she looked around hoping to find anyone there. The young woman found Grace sitting in front of the fireplace in the living room staring at something absent-mindedly.

"Hey, mom," she greeted. The woman only ignored Number Seven. She thought she couldn't hear her so she tried to call her again. "Mom?" again, no answer.

"Vanya?" she heard.

Upon hearing her name, she turned her head quickly only to see Allison walking down the stairs with her heels clicking on the hard wooden stairs.

"You're actually here," she said, looking at her sister with a slight smile on her face.

"Hey, Allison."

"Hey, sis." She took a sharp exhale, "It's been a while since I called someone that. You and Y/N had been away for a while," she said and looked down after hearing herself speak of Y/N.

Both of them missed her dearly. Calling her 'sis' all the time even though they're not really siblings.

The girl chuckled and pulled Vanya in a hug. Suddenly, another presence was there in the entrance hall. "Ah, why is she here?" Diego asked, avoiding their gazes as he passed by. "You don't belong here. Not after what you did."

Allison was not having it. She put her hands in her pockets and turned slightly. "You're seriously gonna do this today?" The woman looked at his clothes and arched an eyebrow as she pointed out, "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way."