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"AND WHAT IS IT YOU NEED FROM ME?" Callisto asked, jabbing her index finger at her chest as she chuckled.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to discuss a very important matter," the woman said, stony-faced. The girl hummed and nodded.

"Yeah, but are the guns really necessary?" she asked, her gaze fixed on the armed men. The older woman snickered and gestured for them to lower their firearms.

"Amusing," the lady interjected. Callisto arched an eyebrow. "How brave you are," the girl scoffed as the lady finished her sentence.

'Oh, you don't know how close I am to losing my shit and screaming for help,' she thought.

"Can you please tell me what we need to talk about and get this over with? I'm really hungry," Y/N pleaded, mustering an innocent smile and batting her eyelashes.

"Yes. Well, you have to come with us to get it over with," the lady said and held her hand out for her to take.

"You really think I'd trust you after you pointed those guns at my head?" Y/N spat.

A glint of warning flickered in the woman's eyes. "If you don't, we'll have to fire them," the woman threatened.

"Fire the gun or fire your men?" the girl inquired sardonically with a daring stare.

Impatience replaced the facade of composure as the woman's grip tightened around Y/N's wrist, a forceful reminder of their power. "I tire of these games, you insufferable brat," she snapped, her movements swift and decisive. And with that, they all vanished into thin air.

The abrupt transition triggered a whirlwind of disorientation, assaulting Y/N's senses. Dizziness engulfed her, accompanied by a surge of nausea that threatened to overwhelm her. A belch of discomfort escaped her lips, and she staggered unsteadily, finding herself in an unfamiliar realm, disconcertingly filled with a multitude of bustling individuals.

As Y/N's bewildered gaze swept across the bustling office, she observed the flurry of activity surrounding her. People hurried by, their footsteps echoing against the backdrop of a vibrant, yet unknown, company building. The scent of unfamiliar aromas wafted through the air, blending with the cacophony of indistinguishable voices that filled the bustling corners of the building. The office's energy coursed through her, an enigmatic pulse that stirred a mix of curiosity and trepidation within her soul.

"What is this place?" Y/N inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and a touch of apprehension. Beside her, the woman remained enigmatic, offering no further explanation but a simple gesture to follow.

Guided through a labyrinthine path, Y/N found herself traversing a series of corridors and turning abruptly at a junction. And then, a sight greeted her eyes—a colossal office space, suffused with an ethereal glow of pure whiteness. In the heart of this sanctum sat a man, his presence commanding and his demeanor relaxed. Nonchalantly, he propped his feet upon the expanse of his desk, engrossed in a conversation over a telephone, a dialer clasped to his ear.

With an air of forced authority, the woman propelled Y/N forward. As the man's gaze swept over her, his voice muffled by whispered words exchanged with his unseen caller, he made a swift decision. Setting the telephone aside, he leaned back in his chair, regarding Y/N with a mix of admiration and intrigue. "Brilliant! You're here. Go ahead, sit down," he said and motioned for her to sit on the chair across from him at his desk.

Refusing to be swayed by the man's casual demeanor, Y/N leveled a steely gaze at him and the watchful woman stationed at the entrance. The girl, unable to contain her contempt, rolled her eyes dismissively before returning her attention to the man, her defiance palpable.