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FIVE SIGHED AS he put down a wooden board on the table and walked towards a cabinet grabbing a large cellophane bag containing toasts with everyone's eyes trained on him.

"What's the date? The exact date?" He asked his siblings as they watched his every movement.

"The 24th," Vanya replied. Y/N looked at everyone while sitting in the corner, isolated from everyone for God knows what reason.

"Of what?" Y/N asked, causing the Hargreeves to look at her.

"March," Number Seven said with a slight smile on her face. The girl nodded silently and continued biting her nails to keep herself distracted. Five arched an eyebrow as he took a quick glance at the h/c haired girl then at his sister, Vanya.

"Good," he remarked and turned his attention to the toasts about to make a sandwich.

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked.

Five didn't respond as he laid out two breads on the board, continuing his sandwich. Number One thought it was pathetic, so he stood up from his chair, and stated, "It's been 17 years."

The boy scoffed. "It's been a lot longer than that," he spat and spatial jumped to a nearby shelf seizing something from there then spatial jumping back to the table.

"I haven't missed that," Luther mumbled. Y/N groaned in frustration.

"Seventeen years? Longer? Was I gone that long?" She inquired. Everyone looked at her again, answering a brief 'yes' all at the same time.

"Holy shit," Y/N muttered under her breath as she leaned back down on the counter.

"Where'd you two go anyway?" Diego asked, crossing his arms. "You returned like nothing happened. You're not even a decade old, and you're saying it's been longer? Come on, you owe us an explanation."

"The answer to that is going to be extremely long. I'll tell you next time considering I'm pretty lazy right now."

"The future. It's shit, by the way." Five answered, ignoring what Y/N had just answered even
though he had his own curiosity growing as well. The girl in the corner frowned — she also didn't know about that.

'What the hell is going on? Why can't I remember that happening?' She thought to herself.

"Called it!" Klaus said, raising his index finger.

"I should've listened to the old man," he glanced at Y/N with a defeated exhale, "And you."

"About what, exactly?" She arched an eyebrow and tucked her arms together.

"You know, jumping through space is one thing. Jumping through time is a toss of the dice."

Giving the girl a knowing look, he turned to Klaus as he examined him from head to
toe. "Nice dress," he commented.

"Oh. Well, danke!"

"Wait, how did you two get back?" Vanya asked. Y/N uncomfortably shifted in her seat and ignored the question.