Filler chapter

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Frog'sBird: the darkness had swollen the last chapter of flirtatious monsters.

Bird'sFrog: don't worry about them babe. kero

AcidGurl: omg did i read that right??

Tail'sInvisible: squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charger'sAuxChord: can u guys stop squealing??😑

AcidGurl and Tail'sInvisible: NO

Invisible'sTail: u guys didn't know?!

AcidGurl and Tail'sInvisible: what u knew!?

Invisible'sTail: well tokoyami did told me not to tell and tsu threatened me too.

Bird'sFrog: sorry, kero

AcidGurl: so u guys r dating?

Bird'sFrog and Frog'sBird: yes

AcidGurl and Tail'sInvisible: *insert squeal* congrats!!

Charger'sAuxChord: i TOLD u to stop sqEaling! btw congrats tsu and tokoyami.

AcidGurl: why should we stop when our friends just got together

Tail'sInvisible: yeah! wht she said!

Charger'sAuxChord: 'cause u two r next 2 me and my quirk's not helping either!!

AuxChord'sCharger: guys stop u know better than anyone else that her hearing is sensitive.

AuxChord'sCharger: btw congrats tsu and tokkoyami!

Tapè: caring kaminari count: 2

AuxChord'sCharger: seRO!

AcidGurl: is no one gonna congrats tsu and tokoyami??

Everyone else: congrats guys (or something like that)

Bird'sFrog: thanks guys! kero

Frog'sBird: THANKS!

Explosive'sRock: woah who's that!?

Frog'sBird: sorry that was dark shadow.

Gravity'sTree: when I think about it now dark shadow will be a third wheel to Tokoyami and Asui but she's (yes dark shadoe is a girl, Mha Smash! says so) still useful when .... *insert mumbling/ explanation*

Rock'sExplosive: DAMN DEKU! stop analyzing that bird head's damn quirk!!

Gravity'sTree: sorry kacchan


4 pm in the 1A dorms

AuxChord'sCharger: jiro what will happen if i blow into ur ears

Charger'sAuxChord: y do u want 2 know??

AuxChord'sCharger: nothing

=========================Some for some actual writing people!!=======================

Jiro was sitting in the common room couch listening to music as she watched Bakugo and Kirishima trained in the back.  A message came into her phone, it was from Kaminari in the group chat asking what would happen if he blow into her ear. Baka if you blow into my ears I would kill you, she thought. Well little does she knows Kaminari was sneaking up behind her.

With all that explosion and yelling from Bakugo there's no way she can hear me, Kami thought. He slowly brought his mouth near Jiro's ear and blow softly and slowly into her ears. Within matter of seconds the emo girl turned many shades of red and her reflexes kicks in as she stabs Kaminari in the eyes with her jacks. 

She turns around to only see a smiling Kaminari. Worth it, he thought. Jiro immediately became flustered and shouted, "baka, idiot, dumbass, stupid, jamming whey!" Kaminari got up and said, "they all mean the same thing, ya know?"

Jiro turned the other way and and crossed her arms over chest, and puffed her cheeks and looked down. Kaminari saw this and felt bad for, so he went over to her. He brought his hand up and hugged her. Jiro would usually kill anyone who hug her but she felt like Kaminari was actually helps. She mumbled a thanks, the two of them stayed like that for a while. Little did they know Sero was recording the whole thing.

=====================================Back to chat=================================

Tapè: u guys wont believe wht i saw!!

WalkingTrash: wht's the pg?

Tapè: who cares!

AcidGurl: is it something abt ships?

Tapè: yup!😊

Tapè: send a video attachment

AcidGurl: oh sh*t just got real🙊🚢


IcyHot'sCreati: oh god🚢

Charger'sAuxChord: SERO!😡

AuxChord'sCharger: wht the hell man?!😣

AcidGurl: OMG!!

Tail'sInvisible: oh noice!🚢

I_came_in_like_a_discoball: moi ship it🌟🚢

AuxChord'sCharger: i can explain!!

AcidGurl: oh yeah?😕

AuxChord'sCharger: well i mean it was my fault so she deserved a hug.

AcidGurl: but noone have ever hugged her i predicted tht she would kill any who touched her

WalkingTrash: why would any boy ev-

Bird'sFrog kicked WalkingTrash from the chat

Bird'sFrog : anyways...

AuxChord'sCharger: i agree with mina tho i thought she'd kill me😧

Charger'sAuxChord: let's end the chapter here shall we?😕

Charger'sAuxChord: bye!

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