C6• A new player

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    I clutched my chest and looked down at him. "WHAT THE FUCKK" I yell kicking Mike off of me. Since he had laid on my chest all night it was now hurting and sore and this mawther fawker had the nerve to poke it.

"Listen I don't know if you think I'm flat or sum but you cannot be doing that. You can't just handle my shit any type of way" I say kind of shaky because the pain was✨ASTRONOMICAL✨.

I felt like crying as my tiddies where stinging and shit. He moved up to me and just looked at me before saying sorry. He tried to kiss me but I swatted his face away and looked at him."Uh uh no kiss kiss for you tiddy destroyer" I said pushing him to the side of me. "Why can't I just get a kiss mamas" he asks pouting and laying on his arms. "Idk mane maybe cus you kidnapped me? Or maybe its the fact that I'm not your mother trucking girlfriend". I sit up on his bed and get up to go to the bathroom but he stops me.

"Nigga I will go peepee on you let me go" I say yanking my arm. He lets go and gets up after me,"Imma watch you go".

I shake my head,"Huh? Homie no. You aren't watching me take a piss, I don't even much so know you like that".

He laughs and pushes me in the bathroom,"Just don't try nun". I hear him fiddle with the knob so I lock the door. What a weird ass rat. I looked at myself in the mirror at my crusty blonde hair, my smeared fake beauty marks, and my messed up mascara. I splashed cold water on my face. "It doesn't sound like you're peeing" Mike said rattling the lock making me jump.

"If you don't get yo nosey ass away from the door" I yell back wiping my face. I went peepee after that and I stepped out after washing my hands.  I looked around. He wasn't there anymore. I glared at the door and started walking towards it. Just then he tackles me and pins me on the floor.

"Whats good" he says staring down at me.

In shock because I jus got whiplash, I respond,"Why the fuck-where were you?".

"I was hiding" he says smiling down at me. "Don't think I forgot about your punishment" he stared smiling real hard then. He looked like chucky cheese. And I was about to say that but I scooted from under him and started running. But instead of running out the goddamn DOOR, I ran into his room. "Oh shit" I yelled as I paused trying to find a place to hide. I was interrupted by being pushed onto the bed and feeling someone turn me around. I had closed my eyes cuz I thought I was gonna die but opened them wide as shit when I felt hands grab my legs. "No pls stop I forgot don't hurt me" I said sounding like a bitch.

He was just smiling at me,"Chill I'm not finna rape you" he said and I start kicking my legs. "Sure fucking looks like it" I said pushing him away.

"Shut the fuck up pussy" he says putting my legs around his waist.

I start trying to get my legs from around him whilst going off,"I don't know who you think you are talking you because I can beat your ass right now."

He dropps my legs and puts up his fists. "Fight me then" he says.

I was shooketh at first but then I remembered who I learned to fight from watching Spongebob deleted scenes. Oh ye, this is gonna be good.

I smacked him in the eye and he hits me like a soft lil baby on the arm. I put my fists down and he does too. "The fuck was that" I said kind of disappointed. Ngl it made me kinda mad that he didn't really hit me but idk where that even came from so we aren't gonna talk about it.

𝘚𝘕𝘈𝘛𝘊𝘏𝘌𝘋 || Hoodie Boys: Vallyk, Mike, Derek, Kobe+ moreWhere stories live. Discover now