Chapter 30: Remembering Eddie?

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"I think that would suggest the best mental institution in Washington," Carlisle said as he sat down in the living room with all of us, "and we will help with the expenses". He sedated Bella to ensure that she wouldn't run off and do something else stupid. I don't think any of us wanted to volunteer to babysit her. "I just don't know how to explain to Charlie that the girl has gone mad." He sighed and shook his head at today's events. "I don't know how to tell Sue that her daughter has been injured again?"

"I'll go with you," I said trying to comfort my faux father. Then Jacob glared at me.

"Really? Will you tell her that you're the reason that both Bella and Leah are screwed up right now. Why don't you do both girls a favor and just leave them alone!" He growled.

"Dude, Leah's injures are just as much our faults as it is his," Embry countered, "none of us got to her fast enough." I was taken aback by his maturity; maybe I had Embry all wrong. It was rare that I misjudge someone so drastically.

"Point blank, if he hadn't started messing with Leah, then Bella wouldn't have gone nutso and tried to kill her." Jacob snapped.

"Are you actually defending that human's behavior?" Jasper said in disbelief. Jasper had completely disconnected himself with Bella, he found her actions to be reckless and shallow.

"He kind of has a point," Alice murmured and Jasper gave her a slightly disgusted look, "I can't condone her actions but if Edward had stayed true to her then we wouldn't be going through this."

"There is no valid reason why Leah is lying there unconscious," Emmett protested, "People get dumped all the time you don't go and take out the competition." He said as he grabbed Rosalie's hand and she smiled at him sadly. She was hurting almost as bad as I was, the guilt of not getting to Leah in time was tearing her up inside.

"I don't care whose fault it is I just wish she wasn't hurt," as tear rolled down Seth's cheek, "I hate the fact that my sister barely knows who I am. Now that she's been knocked silly again … who knows what she'll remember." He covered his face and his whole body started to shake. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He didn't pull away from me, I was glad that he didn't hate me.

"Maybe you should go talk to your sister and see if you can wake her up?" Esme stood and led Seth to the Leah's room. Everyone sat in the room stealing glances at each other. I needed to leave I had a million sad and angry thoughts running through my head. Of course, Jacob's thoughts were the loudest.

I don't care what anyone says, this is Edward fault! Stupid leech not knowing what he wants he ruined my chances with Bella just so that he could drive her insane. His thoughts boomed.

I stood and headed toward the front door away from the madness and Jacob stopped me. "What's wrong can't take the guilt?" He snickered darkly as he now stood between me and the front door.

"I can't stand your ludicrous accusations. I don't mean to be rude especially right now, but if Bella had wanted you badly enough she would have left me of her own free will. I had no hold on her. She wanted to be with me and I'm sorry that things didn't end up like we planned … her not ending up with you is certainly not my fault!" I hissed.

"You say whatever it is you need to say so that you can live with yourself!" He got up in my face.

"Enough!" Seth appeared at the bottom of the stairs and got in between us. "Jacob, why are you so concerned about Bella? My sister is in there fighting for her life and Bella is the only one you can think about? I can't stand the sight of you right now!" Seth stormed out the front door.

Now Jacob had guilt all over his face as he looked at the door Seth had just slammed. "Seth man, wait," he ran through the door to find him.

"I guess that's our cue to make an exit," Quil commented and motioned for Embry to join him, "I hope we will see you all for more pleasant circumstances next time." He attempted to smile before exiting the house.

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