[NEW YORK, 1955]
We begin with the look of a clean golden era feel of The Copacabana from the outside.
Men with suits, Wearing fedoras, With cigarettes on hold.
"The Copacabana. One of New York's finest bars that popped during the 50's. Back then things were different, The place was filled with class, It was clean, Fancy...THE JOURNALIST
"No...No, it wasn't."We then move up from the Copa to a building nearby, A tall department, Covered in shadows because of the Copa's bright light.
We go further up the building, Into a window of an office.
"The Copacabana may look all fancy and splendid on the outside, But, Truth is, It was a chaotic mess. Ever since i worked here, In this very building, As a journalist for the papers, I've stopped by the Copa multiple times, Every night actually, Every night just after i get off work, I'd stop there...I still top there till now, Actually."We see the journalist packing his notes and papers calmly, He got his coat off the hook, Wore it, and got out his office.
We then see him walking down the streets, On his way to the Copa.
And...He walks in.
"An important lesson to remember, Never fall in love at the Copa."We then see the journalist walk through the laughing crowd, As jazzy music plays at the back, The journalist continued walking and sat on a couch, In front of the main stage.
He then whipped out his notebook, Presumably to write, As always.
"I write, As always. Though what exactly do i write in the middle of all these people? Nothing, Just whatever pops in my head. But that doesn't matter, We're here to discuss the issue that made them shut the place down, The issue that made them shut Copacabana."The jazz performance ends.
We then see the host walking up to the main stage as the jazz band went back behind the curtains.
"What a blast! Ladies and gentlemen, You all havin fun tonight?"The audience cheered gladly.
"Yeah, I bet! Ohhh...But i've got something better for all of you tonight, Well not saying our jazz fellad didn't do well, But hey, Can y'all guess what we're havin next?"An audience member shouted.
"You're gonna give us free tickets to Disneyland!"They all laughed.
"No, Jimmy...C'mon pal, You're drunk, Get outta here! Aw, Jimmy! What a guy, Anyways, Enough with the chit chats, Lemme just whip out our final major performance for the night, The showgirls!"
KurzgeschichtenA collection of short stories that make up an anthology series, following people's many chapters in life.