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Every time the door opens, Eddie and the hitman, as I learn his name is Solomon, would come and interrogate me, and I always give him the same answer. With that answer, I get tortured for the wrong answer.

Luckily, it didn't harm the baby. Behind Eddie's back, Solomon would give me something to eat, like fruit, a sandwich, or another candy bar to keep my strength up, but a snack wasn't enough. Sometimes he would leave a water bottle, and I would preserve it. He also gave me a battery camping lamp to make this damp slightly brighter.

But it sucks I have to pee every hour. Eddie had one of his goons place a bucket in the corner.

There are no windows, so I wonder if it's day or night. I guess the stories about Effie and Lily being kidnapped also happen to me.

Why do the pretty ones always get kidnapped?

I caress my stomach and hurry back to lean against the wall. I close my eyes and hum a lullaby tone like when Leo was in my belly.

My energy decreases every minute, and I'm worried about my baby. It's unhealthy for pregnant women to be isolated without proper conditions and a healthy environment. But at the same time, I can't tell Eddie about the baby. I'm scared of what he will do once he finds out.

The door of this place opened once more, and Eddie and Paul. I'm too weak to lift my head and body to endure another interrogation.

"Look, asshole," I breathed, heaving, then took some strength to look at Eddie. "If you are going to ask me about the treasure. I told you so many fucking times I don't know."

Eddie just stood there with a wry expression. He stays quiet until he gestures his head to Paul. The hitman walks towards me and, in a blink of an eye, unhook the chains that have been around my wrists and ankles.

I rubbed my wrists and glared at Eddie, confused about why he did that.

Why is he setting me free?

Solomon helps me up as I'm weak to stand.

"Bring her." Eddie command as he walkout.

Carefully, Solomon drags me out, letting my eyes burn from the bright light. I hiss at the sight closing my eyes before I can open them to see that we are inside an underground tunnel. I visited a large construction site filled with Filipino workers digging the tunnel. Then I noticed buff men in very tight shirts and pants that showed their biceps holding guns as they observed the workers. Every man is the same except for one particular one. He's more prominent than the others and stands close to the trailer. He has that commando outfit with a face cover and goggles on. He looks at me, making my body tingle, a familiar feeling.

I am curious to know how long these workers can reach wherever Eddie wants them to dig, but finding these so-called treasures will take years at most.

"Let's go."

We followed Eddie to a makeshift elevator as he pushed the down button that was lower down. I glance up to see the light getting smaller and smaller until I can no longer see. Eddie and his crew have been digging for a long time, as he said before meeting me.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask Eddie.

"You will know once we get there." He states with a severe look on his face.

If he had found the palace or the treasure, taking something that wasn't his in the first place should be kept the way it is. I watch many adventure movies that involve mysterious places with hidden treasures or lost kingdoms, and before you find the site, there are always traps to keep raiders out.

As the elevators go down, the more my body feels cold. I hug myself and start to shiver. Solomon removed his jacket and put it around me. He knows I'm pregnant, and entering a cold environment would harm me and the baby.

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