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I'm right here on one of the bed rooms of hospital where in Jennie's peacefully sleeping

She just gain her normal temperature back, the rescuer said that she fall from the cliff resulting of head injury

Its hard to find Jennie since they found the half of her body were buried with snow, luckily she survive

I have no sleep since I want to stay awake to guard Jennie,

But then my eyes betrayed me, slowly shutting down, dozing myself to sleep

A loud creaking sound interrupted me from sleeping, seeing the Japanese doctor coming in, I quickly stand up

I awkwardly bowed at him while he just nod, he look for Jennie's temperature and heartbeat before he write something down on his paper

"She might wake up any minute now" he said putting a stethoscope on his shoulder

A second passed, we heard her humming, later on she slowly lifting her eye lids up, her eyes wondering on the place, I could see the confusion on her face

The doctor catches her attention,

"Do you know where you are?" He asked

"Am I in the hospital?" The doctor nod

"Why am I here?" She sits, leaning her back on the pillows

"And who are you?" She point at me, I gulped, what the?!

"I-I'm Lisa, you don't remember me?" I said, she look at me confused

"I don't, and why are we speaking English?" She looks at the doctor

"We're here o-on Japan" I said then I look at the doctor, eyeing him what's the matter, why the hell she couldn't remember me

The doctor immediately ask her what is her name, and she knows, even her birthday and parents,

The doctor immediately calls for assistance to deliver Jennie into the examination room, he told me that they need some x-rays for her head to know what kind of amnesia she has

We knew she has an amnesia, but she really remember everything except for the fact the doesn't know me, it must be some kind of short term memory or something like that, I don't know I must wait for the result

A nurse came by and assist me to the doctor's office, I bowed at her before she walk away, I opened the door and let myself inside

The doctor ask me to sit so I did, I saw him examining the paper that sticks to the wall and some x-rays of Jennie

"I'm gonna be straight to the point here, she has an amnesia" He said, I just look at him

"She couldn't remember her recent memory, a short term condition may I declare" He stated

"Her condition was called TGA, Transient Global Amnesia, due to extreme coldness of the weather, her system couldn't deliver a sufficient blood to her brain, and it could cause an amnesia"

"But what am I gonna do?" I ask, he just smile at me

"You have nothing to do with it" he said

"Its weird but, Transient Global Amnesia would only last for a day, and the memory that she has on the day she lost her memory will not be remember at all after she gain back her memory, you can slap her in the face, shame her in public, anything... She would forget that at the end of the day

But right now, her recent memory is lost but only for one day, just one day, its gonna be fine" he said, I nod

So that's how it works, I walked out after some words from him, I went to Jennie's room, seeing her on the bed, already dressed up, I walk closer to her

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