Fifteen (edited)

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I walk out of my Grandfathers office and before I can ask what's going on Jungkook is in my arms, "are you okay, did he hurt you." He checks me over and I laugh, pulling him to me and kissing him passionately. "Fuck Jin you are good at that", he moans. "I'm fine, its Grandfather who is hurting, he tried to shoot me, but I was quicker and shot his trigger finger off", I say proudly. "Damn Jin, where is he now", Taehyung asks.

 "I knocked him out so that we had time to get out of here and find a safe place, lets go to the motel for now, Tae you take dad's car now that we have Namjoon and Hobi with us, we all wont fit in the Tesla", I say wrapping my arms around Jungkook's shoulder and kissing his head . 

Jimin and Hobi walk back into the room, "where were you two", I ask. "Burning the body, where else", Hobi says. "That's the best idea your grandfather ever came up, an incinerator in the basement, genius", Jimin says laughing. We drive over to a motel that we use a safehouse, its out in the middle of no where and the owners are on our payroll, I had called ahead and our rooms were already open, we got two rooms with connecting doors so that Jungkook and I could be alone.

 "Alright guys knock if there is a problem", I grab Jungkook and pull him into our room locking the door and throwing him on the bed, he laughs as I climb on top of him and capture his lips, running my hand under his t shirt, I lift it and attack his nipple, he arches his back, "fuck me Jin, please." The knock on the door makes me angry and I was about to go off but Jungkook grabbed me and kisses me, "calm down, it might be important." I sigh, getting up to answer the door, "go in the bathroom, I don't want anyone seeing you like that." I open the door angrily, "this better be good."

 "There are people outside, the owner just called me and said she saw 3 cars pull up and a bunch of men got out, looking around our cars," Yoongi stops talking and listens to the same sounds I hear. "Get your guns out now", I say, Jungkook grabs his side arm and stands by me. Hobi is crouched by the window, "your idiot grandfather sent people we know to kill us, its the Irish, be careful", he said. "And just because we know them don't you dare fucking hesitate do you hear me," I say. 


Yoongi comes back from the bathroom, looking in the back of the motel to see if he sees anyone, "I didn't see anyone back there but that doesn't mean anything." "We need a plan, we are trapped in here", Jin says. "Jin listen, sirens", I say. We all stayed quiet and I was right, we hear approaching sirens, so we wait to see what happens. We see the red and blue lights flashing outside and Hobi peeks out to see what's happening. "Lets go now, grab car keys, get in the car and drive away, don't make a scene and don't act like we know them", Jin says taking charge, "they wont try anything with the cops here." We put our weapons away and walk out of the room and Jin says, "Oh excuse us officers, we didn't mean to interrupt, we were just leaving." 

I notice one of the Cops smile at Jin, "Its okay sir, you are not interrupting us, the motel owners called on these men for trespassing", he winks at Jin. Jin nods and slides into the driver seat, I see the Irish glaring at us as we get into the cars and I look at the cop who flirted with Jin, "by the way, he's already taken", I say and get in the car. "You okay", he asks. I smile, "yea thank you for not flirting back." He laughs, "I told you baby I would do better by you." "One of them was Conor, Jin." "Fuck and I think they are actually trying to kill us, where's Yoongi, is he behind us", Jin asks. Namjoon turns around and makes sure their behind us, "yea, he's there, where are we going." I start to hear gunshots, they are behind us and shooting at us, "call Tae and tell him  to stay with me and do what I do." 

I grab my phone and quickly dial Taehyung, telling him what Jin said, Jin made a sharp turn into an industrial area, he drove into a large warehouse and skids to a stop, "get out now and take cover." We jump out and Yoongi comes barreling in skidding to a stop and the four of them jump out. "Here they come, be ready, cover each other and don't leave anyone alone", Jin says. "Come on out Namjoon, we know what you did to Maggie, now you have to die brother in law", Aron says laughing.  Then I heard Aron say "DO IT" they all start shooting and we all stay crouched behind the cement barriers, Jin pops up and fires his weapon, when he looks at me his eyes are black as night, "Shit, Jin you have to stay with me." 

I see movement to my right and Yoongi pops up firing his pistol and I see him fly backward. "YOONGI", Jin screams, one of them shot Yoongi, I stood and fired as Jin went to him, I shot Conor and I heard Jin yell going into black mode and fired at Aron and Aron fired at Jin. Jin's shot got Aron in the face, he jumped over the cement barrier and began to beat the guy who shot Yoongi. "TAEHYUNG, TAEHYUNG", I yell. I see Tae turn toward me, "check Yoongi hurry."  HOBI, JIMIN", I yell, "help me cover Jin." Hobi and Jimin both stood and as god as my witness I have never seen two more bad ass people in my life, they took out the rest of the Italians by themselves.

  "Jin baby", I grab his arms, "Babe stop, calm down, you are going to kill him." I try pulling him off and I pull him to my chest as he starts to clm down, "Jin, baby, look at me", I say but then he slumps in my arms and I pull my hand away from his body and my hand is covered in blood. "JIN", I scream, "TAEHYUNG." I lay Jin down and he has a wound on his stomach. "FUCK, WHERE ARE THE AMBULANCES", I scream.

 "They are coming Jungkook, Oh god, Jin, JIN, Please wake up", Tae cries. "How's Yoongi", I ask. "Jimin is with him, he has a bullet in his shoulder", Tae says. The paramedics arrive and push me and Tae out of the way, but I refuse to move. "NO, I want to stay with him", I feel arms around me and I look up to see Jimin, he holds me to him. "Meet us at the hospital, we are leaving now", the paramedics said. They have Jin and Yoongi in the same vehicle. 


 We make it to the hospital and they haven't told us anything yet, Jungkook is a mess and I am trying to console him but I'm not really succeeding, "Hobi, was it cleaned up before the cops got there." "Yea boss, luckily there wasn't a huge amount of blood, we will just have to wait and see if they come and question us", Hobi says. "They wont", Namjoon says smiling, "that was our warehouse, Jin knew what he was doing."  About an hour later the doctors come out, "family of Min and Kim." "That's all of us Doc",  Namjoon says, "how's my brother and Yoongi." 

"They are fine actually", the one doctor said, Mr. Min had a bullet lodged in his upper arm. which we removed successfully, if he wouldn't have turned it would have hit him in the chest and in Mr. Kim's case he wasn't shot, he was sliced by a knife." "So he's ok", Jungkook sniffs. "He's perfectly fine, he's even awake and waiting for a Jungkook", the doctor says. "Where is he", Jungkook asks. "Mr. Kim and Mr. Min are in the same recovery room, number 4", we all head toward their room and of course Jungkook was on Jin in a flash, now I see why he calls him his little monkey. 

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