Seven (Edited)

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"Should we take over Jin", Yoongi asks. "No I want to see him work and what he can do, let my bad ass boyfriend and little brother have some fun", I watch as the guy spits on Jungkook. I went to move toward him but Kook put his hand up and stops me without even looking me, its hot when Jungkook is so dominant. "Did you really just fucking spit on me", Jungkook punched him right in the mouth, the guy spit out his tooth, "fucking disgusting asshole, now I ask again why are you here." 

"I am not telling you shit, this isn't the fucking movies pretty boy", he says licking his lips at Jk, "you sure are pretty, fuck, what I would do to you", he says. I reacted to how he is speaking to my boyfriend, jumping at him and wrapping my hand around his throat. "Jin", is all Jungkook had to say, I left him go and felt Jungkook rub my back. "Tae", Jungkook says.

Tae pulls his blade, "you are correct that this isn't the fucking movies, no director is going to come running in and yell CUT, but I'll do the honors", Tae says taking the blade and slamming it into the guys thigh, twisting it. The man screams and is in utter agony, his tough guy act is faltering quickly. Tae pulled the blade out and proceed to jam it in the other thigh, while Jungkook sticks his finger in the first cut, the man continues to scream. 

"Why... are... you ... HERE", Jungkook yells pushing his finger in farther. "To kill Kim's grandson and the female", he says between sobs. "Who fucking sent you", Jungkook slapped him, while Tae pulled his head back putting the blade to his neck, "WHO." The old man, Kim", he said as he spit blood out. I saw Jungkook look at Yoongi with wide eyes. 


"Jimin, do you think you and Junghyun can take this person outside and maybe get some more info, when your done with him, use the lake for disposal." I instructed. "My pleasure Yoongs, come on Hyung, Ill show how we play this game." Jimin said grabbing Junghyun's hand and carrying the man outside. "Jin, Tae, its been a feeling of ours", pointing to Jk and myself, "that the Irish are working with your grandfather and that Namjoon doesn't realize what is going on." "I felt that too", Tae said. "You did", Jin asked. "Yea, why would grandfather bring Joon to Columbia, he just got married and a day or two after the honeymoon." "That struck me as odd also", I said.

 "Gabriella confirmed it", Jungkook said walking next to Jin to hold his hand. "Why weren't these suspicions told to me earlier", he asks with anger in his voice. "Because we weren't sure and we didn't want to say anything in case we were wrong", Jungkook says. "Jin we wanted to ask you, how would you feel about talking to Poppy to see if you can find out anything", I ask gingerly.

 I know he's angry, I can see it and feel it radiating off him,  I just don't know who he is more pissed at, us for not saying anything to him, his Grandfather being a dirty asshole or for the Irish lying to his Namjoon. "What do you want me to do exactly, flirt with her", he says looking right at Jungkook, "do I get to make her think I like her, touch her, maybe kiss her, maybe she'll let me fuck her too." He says angrily. "Jin stop it, you are being a asshole", Tae says. When Jin turns to look at Tae, Jungkook walks out of the cabin.


Fuck him, its amazing how much of an asshole he really can be when he wants to be, maybe we should have told him, but we didn't have proof, so why cast doubt. I climb a big old tree down by the water, I watch as Jimin and my brother beat the guy up and I cant help but laugh, my brother flinches every time Jimin punches or kicks him, they are trying to throw him in the water now, guess he's dead. How did they know we were here,  did Jin's dad tell Namjoon and he told Maggie in passing, or did fucking Sophia tell him. I climb back down the tree and head into the cabin, I grab Yoongi's laptop and Sophia's phone and lock myself in our room, I didn't even give a second glance to Jin. 

I connected the phone and went back into Sophia's history and the things she has deleted, I see the text messages from Mr. Kim stating that she needs to seduce Jin to get him away from me. I also see where she texted Maggie saying that Jin has told her that he would leave me for her, and how close they actually got in Colombia and how Jin is just stringing me along. I look at the ring on my finger, this was given to me before Colombia, did something change after he met her, Knock Knock, "Who is it."

 "Yoongi" I get up and unlock the door, letting him in, then locking it again. "What's going on", he asks. "I'm going thru her deleted stuff, what's Jin doing wooing his girlfriend." "What do you mean", he asked. I showed him the messages from Sophia to Maggie. "I'm confused, why would he say that stuff", Yoongi asked. "Oh I don't know, maybe cause its true", I say annoyed. "Jungkook, you don't really think that do you", he asked. "Ya know Yoongi, yea I do, why else would she say it", I counter back. Knock Knock "Who it is", I ask. "Its me", Jin says quietly. "GO AWAY", I yell. "Jungkook, I'm sorry, I was out of line, I was upset and I took it out on you, you didn't deserve that, please forgive me", he begs.


Jungkook opens the door, "Not anymore, my heart cant take anymore Jin", he says trying to hold back tears, "lately all we've been doing is apologizing to each other, I'm tired of it." "What do you mean, I was just talking because I was mad, I wasn't going to do anything with her", I explain. "Show him exactly what I mean Yoongi, I need to use the bathroom", he says storming out of the room. "What's he talking about", I asked confused. "What Sophia texted to Maggie about you", Yoongi says. He turned the laptop so that I could read it, my eyes went wide, "I have never said that to Sophia, and we certainly didn't get close in Colombia unless I was unconscious, gimme that Laptop." I took it and put it in front of Sophia, "WHY."

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