Part One - The First Morning.

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Prince Bakugo woke up, the sun shining mercilessly through his stained glass window. Another day, another stupid fucking political meeting he had to attend. He begrudgingly got out of his large, plush bed and changed out of his night clothes into a more regal outfit. He threw on a large, blood red cape with fluffy white shoulder lining, leaving his chest bare. He grabbed a pair of loose velvet pants and a few different items of jewelry and left his room, grumbling all the while.

He stomped through the ornate, old hallways, red carpet brushing his feet. One of his favorite house pets, a small pomeranian dog walking beside him. He held his head high and prepared for the hell that was eating breakfast with his family. He stepped down the long spiral staircase to the main hall of the left wing, where he usually ate most of his meals. His father, King Masaru was already there, sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Good, now we're only waiting on Mitsuki." He mumbled quietly.

As if on cue, his mother descended down the spiral staircase, two servants behind her. Usually, the king was the one who called the shots, but due to Masaru's submissive nature, Queen Mitsuki easily took over. She took one look at Bakugo and immediately began to stare daggers at him. Bakugo, being the person he is, stared back. Mitsuki raised her head higher and spoke. "You're forgetting something," She said, a scowl apparent in her voice.

"What is it this time, hag?" He growled. Mitsuki's scowl became more prominent, her ruby red eyes piercing his.

"Your crown, you imbecile." Mitsuki sighed. "It's fine, you can put it on later." She peeled her gaze away from his and sat down next to Masaru. Almost immediately, the servants poured in and began serving us the first course of breakfast.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" Masaru asked. Mitsuki smiled, her teeth showing.

"Today is actually going to be a special day." She said, a hint of dramatic flourish in her voice. Bakugo leaned back in his chair, his eyes showing the barest hint of intrigue.

"Why?" He asked bluntly.

"We are going to be meeting with many of the families from neighboring kingdoms today. Alliances could be forged, Katsuki."
Bakugo intrigue only grew from there, but it faded into suspicion. He knew of the many ways alliances could be formed, and there was one he loathed with a passion. He tipped his head, a dubious look on his face.

"What kind of alliance?" He asked.

His mother sighed and conceded. "The kind that may force you into into an," she spit the words out like bile. "Arranged marriage." She looked away. Bakugo's entire being sparked with rage. His expression changed from dubious into enraged.

"ARRANGED MARRIAGE?! YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" He slammed his hands on the table and rose from his seat.

"Language!" Mitsuki shouted. "But it's unlikely. Still, it's not off the table."

Anger brimmed on the tip of Bakugos tounge. He wanted to shout profanities at her until she passed out, but he restrained himself, barely. He felt so used, like a pawn in a chess game. He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I'm leaving. There's no way in hell I'm doing that, I don't care what you say." Bakugo growled, leaving as fast as he could. He practically bolted up the spiral staircase and through the stone hallway to his room. He ripped the bronze door open and slammed it loudly behind him. He leaned up against the metal and slid until he was sitting. God, he hated his life. Anyone living in the slums of the cities his family ruled over would call him selfish or spoiled, but he knew what was actually going on within the halls of this goddamn palace. His face fell into his hands and cried until the tears wouldn't come.

~ That same morning ~

Kirishima woke up to the soft light of a dawn just beginning. He sat up in his bed and stretched his wings as far as they could go. He threw on a few simple items of clothing and grabbed an apple from the almost-bare cupboard. He stepped out of the door and took one last look at his small, simple home before heading to work.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the gate to the palace. A guard, probably nearing the end of his night shift let him in. He looked up at the towering walls of the palace that he knew by heart. The interior was mostly intricately carved stone and red woven tapestries with stained glass windows. Kirishima knew all of the secret passageways that even some of the more experienced staff didn't know. It was helpful, especially since he could get around the palace faster than the royalty that lived there so he could serve them better.

Kirishima was proud of the fact that he was serving the royal family. They had done so much for the kingdom, and he was happy to help them in any way possible. Even if that help included washing dishes or tending to the stables. I mean, someone has to do it, right?
For the first few hours, that's exactly what Kirishima did. He scrubbed dishes, and made sure the horses all went on their daily rides. After that, he broke for lunch with some other staff members. Shit, I forgot lunch didn't I? He thought to himself as he sat down with Ojiro and Kaminari at one of the benches in the courtyard. "Aw Kiri, did you forget your lunch?"

Kaminari asked, pity and sympathy in his eyes. Kirishima nodded. "It's okay, you can have some of mine!" Ojiro chirped.

He passed over some bread and cheese. Kirishima took it greatfully.

"Thanks, I needed that." Kirishima laughed.

"No problem. Anyways, guess what?" Ojiro bounced.

"What?" Kaminari asked, excited to hear about new palace drama. Kirishima rolled his eyes and smiled. He already knew most of the drama, and there was a lot. Prince Katsuki just had a way of doing that.

"Some royals from different kingdoms are coming to the palace today!" Ojiro shouted, excitement plain as day on his face.

Kirishimas eyes widened. This was actually news to him. "You don't say?" He mumbled, still a bit in shock.

"It's true! And they're thinking of putting Katsuki in an arranged marriage!" Shock racked Kirishimas body again, paired with an emotion that he couldn't quite place at the time. Only much later did he realize that it was jealousy. Someone was going to spend the rest of their life with Katsuki. What if they didn't know how to deal with him? What if they didn't treat him right? What if- Kaminari spoke, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hey man you okay? You look spooked." He asked, concerned.

"Haha, yeah I'm fine." He laughed. It came out a bit forced, but he moved on with the conversation. He let the other two talk as Kirishima just sat back and watched the clouds roll by, wondering what was to come.

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