Part Five - Two Worlds

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     Bakugou sighed as he followed his mother down the steps into the kitchen, his cape dragging behind him. "Can't you just tell me who we're meeting, hag?" Bakugou said, irritated at being in the dark.

     "No, it's a suprise so be quiet." At that Bakugou reluctantly closed his mouth. He stared at his feet, not knowing what to say. Mitsuki rolled her eyes. "Fine. it's a friend."

    "A...what?" Bakugou said, mometarily bewilered. "A FUCKING FRIEND?? WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK I NEED A FRIEND?" Bakugou screeched, almost incoherently.

     Mitsuki gritted her teeth and her eyes narrowed. "Oh shut up! you've been in your room crying for the past three days, of course you need someone to talk to! It was just my mistake of not finding you somone sooner."

     "Oh yeah, you sure found someone for me alright." Bakugou growled.

     Mitsuki's face was suddenly red, and she scowled meancingly at Bakugou. Her words came out slow and ominous. "It was necessary. Do you want us to go to war with them?"

     Bakugous eyes widened. "War?"

   "YES!! Do you think I wanted to make you do this? No! If I had any other choice, I wouldn't. But I don't." That statement quieted Bakugou's rage. "I want to help you. I really do. Why do you think I'm doing this for you? I want you to be happy, and I think that maybe this has a shot of doing it." Mitsuki sighed, sadness clouding her eyes.

     "I...ugh-" Bakugo had no words. There was only one thing he could say. "Fine, I'll be fucking friends with them or whatever." He conceded. From then on, no words were shared between them. They decended down the long, dark starewell in silence. Soon they saw a light at the bottom, where his new friend was waiting.

     They stepped into the soft light of the kitchen where a boy, no older than Bakugou stood. A light blush covered his face as the candlelight reflected off his crimson eyes. The kitchen smelled of sourdough and oak, but that wasn't Bakugou's main focus. The second he entered the room, his eyes locked on to the boy. Oh no. Oh no. It was this boy. From then on, everything moved in slow motion. It was him. The boy Bakugou dreamed of. The one he knew he would never even speak to. He was here, with him, now. A small smile crossed the boy's face. "Hi! I'm Kirishima, its nice to meet you!" He smiled a toothy grin.

     For a moment, Bakugo couldn't say anything."I..." He stopped. "Yeah, sure." He grumbled. He put his hand out and looked down and to the side. The boy- no, Kirishima, took it firmly. But...his hands were soft. Bakugou blushed slightly, but not enough that Kirishima would notice. Get a hold of yourself goddamn it! He shouted to himself. He didn't know what to do, he wasn't sure if he was even awake, given he'd dreamed about the boy before.

     Mitsuki spoke quietly. "Okay, Kirishima you'll be in the empty room next to Bakugou's. Your things are already there. I'll leave you two alone." She said and strode up the spiral staircase. Kirishima smiled and waved goodbye to her. What has he got to be so happy about? Bakugou grumbled metally.

     "What now?" Kirishima asked, turning his head to the side.


     "Oh I have an idea! Lets bake!" He exlaimed.

     "I've never-" Bakugou started, before he was cut off.

     "You've never baked? That's ok, I'll teach you!" He laughed. And with that they started. Slowly, Kirishima started teaching Bakugou the basics of baking, and cooking for that matter. Hours flew by in that little kitchen, to the point where neither could tell if it was night or day. Being friends with Kirishima was so easy it scared him.

     For the most part it was quiet, with little bits of chatter here or there, but Kirishima's idle humming remained unbroken. At one point, Bakugou was rolling out dough for their latest pastries when Kirishima stopped him. "No no, like this." He reached for the rolling pin, and his hand brushed Bakugou's. Suddenly a sensation ripped through him like a tidal wave. Just a simple brush of his hand was enough to make Bakugou fall apart at the seams. But somehow, it felt good? God, this is all so confusing! Is it really wrong to want to be around him? Or is that just a friend way to feel? Dammit! He hated himself for being so confused, but in the end his emotions were unchangeable. This was it. Fuck.

     Through all of this, Kirishima continued humming. Bakugou decided to break the silence. "What song is that?" He asked quietly, not wanting to break the calmness of the moment.

     "Just and old lullaby my mother used to sing to me." Kirishima said just as quietly, tagging on a chuckle at the end. Bakugou didn't press him for details. Soon, a sense of wearyness began to envelop Bakugou.

     "Hm. I'm going to bed." He did his best to grumble, but he couldn't help but smile.

     "Okay, I'm gonna go unpack my stuff, I'll see you tommorow." Kirishima yawned. They both walked out of the room and up the stairs, a tired, hazy sense settling in both of them. Kirishima waved a small goodbye to Bakugou and slipped inside of his room to unpack. Bakugou went inside his own room and crashed onto his bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

     That night, he dreamed of Kirishima.

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