Part Four - Daydreams

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     It was 3 days since the announcement of Bakugou's arranged marriage. Everything had suddenly fell into the simple rhythm of eating and sleeping, drifting in and out of a semi-conscious state. All he had to do was lay there on his tear-streaked plush matress, thinking about nothing and everything. The warmth of the velvet sheets he had swaddled himself in brought him some comfort, and he did his best to ignore the ouside world and everything in it.

     During the three days he spent in his room, thoughts of the boy floated through his clouded mind. Thoughts of him smiling, of him crying, or even simply going about his day. He tried his best to squash down those thoughts, but he was too tired to struggle against them. After a while, he started thinking about the few token memories he had of the boy. He found himself fixating on the way he moved, so gracefully. Like water that never seemed to pool, or like the clouds rolling across the endless sky.

     Bakugou felt himself shudder as he reluctantly dragged himself back to reality. God, he was so fucking obsessed over a boy he'd never even spoken more than two words to. Still, there was no way around the way he was feeling. Great, another choice I don't get to make. He thought angrily. He curled around himself and choked back a sob before drifting back asleep.

      A few minutes later, he heared a quick but firm knock on his door. Reluctantly he pried himself out of bed to answer it, not even bothering to fix himself up. His mother stood impatiently in the doorway, wearing an expression Bakugou couldn't quite place. She sighed and clicked her tounge.

     "You've been here sulking for too long. Get ready, there's someone I want you to meet. I'll be back in 15 minutes, you'd better be ready." his mother said sternly, holding that kind undertone that Bakugou had come to recognize. She shut the door, leaving Bakugou alone again. He slipped on a few clothing items and sat on his bed, waiting for his mothers return. While he waited, he wondered about who he'd be meeting. He was going to find out sooner or later, though.

~ The same day ~

     "But why me?" Kirishima asked Queen Mituski, dumbfounded. She had come to find him in the kitchens making dinner and pulled him aside to have a "talk" about Prince Katsuki's behavior and what he needed. She had explained that the arranged marriage was going to be tough on him, and that he needed a friend.

     "Because I know you. I see how you get on with the other servents. Your kind nature will make you more equipped to deal with him on a personal level. Perhaps you can even become long-standing friends." She said hopefully. It shocked Kirishima how Mitsuki thought of Bakugou as something to "deal with" and not as his own person with feelings and emotions. It seemed Bakugou needed a true friend more than Kirishima realized.
     "Okay, I'll do it." Kirishima nodded. While the idea of becoming friends with Prince Katsuki would be a hard and tiresome task, the idea of just being near him sent butterflies through his stomach. He could imagine him and Katsuki walking along the palace walls together, chatting like friends do. Maybe he would even get to see him smile if he was lucky. He knew it would be a long shot, but he was going to try.

     Mitsuki breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her shoulders. "Good, he needs a friend like you. It'll be tough, but I think you can do it." She paused for a second. "Oh! You will also be tasked with protecting him. It was my understanding that you went through knight training before working at the palace, correct?"

     "Yes, Queen Mitsuki. I'm just wating until I'm of age to sign up for the army." Kirishima explained.

     Mitsuki nodded. "Good. This is the job you have been tasked with for now. You have been exempt from all other duties and will stay here, at the palace." Kirishima nodded, fully understanding. "Now that that's worked out, I'll get the Prince." And with that she left to retrive Prince Katsuki.

     While she was gone, Kirishima found himself daydreaming about Prince Katsuki. Walking in the courtyard, playing games in the Great Hall, and maybe even taking him to the little spot by the sea only Kirishima knew about. They'd share lunch, and maybe Kirishima would rest his head on the Prince's shoulder. He started to imagine looking into those beautiful crimson eyes, filled with emotions deeper then Kirishima would ever be able to fathom. They'd shine like jewels in the sun, priceless red rubies that shined brighter than any star. Maybe when they were friends, Kirishima would be able to lose himself in those eyes. He could let himself drown in their depths...

     At that, Kirishima could feel his own eyes closing. He leaned back into the wall and pictured what it would feel like to lean against him, just feeling their breathing sync together, just being. He let himself dwell on that for a while until he heared Katsuki's footsteps on the stairs. Kirishima's eyes snapped open and he suddely realized the thoughts he was having. He felt a warm blush spread across his face, but he had no time to think about that.

     The Prince was here.

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