013: "I only want him to be happy."

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Saturday 7:00am
you added Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Yanli and 6 others
you changed 6 people's nicknames
you named the groupchat "Wei Wuxian's Birthday Surprise🥂"

Jiang Wanyin: oh my god Hanguang-jun.

Me: what

Nie Huaisang: this better be a good surprise or else Wei Wuxian will leave you

Me: What why?!

Jiang Yanli: Last Monday he thought you were cheating on him

Me: What?!! Why? How?!

Zewu Jun: he saw you leaving one morning and thought it was because you were seeing someone else

Me: oh... i was discussing the birthday surprise at Wen Qing's house

Nie Huaisang: what about the guy Wei Wuxian mentioned? The one he saw you talking with at the back of Gusu?

Me: i met with Zewu Jun. He chose my gift for Wei Wuxian.

Zewu Jun: oohh... so it was me... i can't believe i thought you were cheating on him with me...

Zewu Jun: imma go puke real quick

Jiang Cheng: Nevertheless, Wei Wuxian still misunderstood it. You're really bad at surprises you know?

Me: ...

Jiang Yanli: sigh, looks like you really have to make it up to him

Me: that's why I made this groupchat; to make the best surprise for him.

Me: listen, i know i don't always show it but i really care for him and only want him to be happy

Nie Huaisang: omg hanguan-jun i never knew you could be like this

Jiang Cheng: ugh yuck hanguang-jun we know

Wen Qing: Lan Zhan im sorryyyyy

Me: for what?

Wen Qing: i accidentally told the other groupchat about the confetti :(

Me: it's fine, i don't think he'll catch on. He always forgets his birthday every year.

Jiang Cheng: true

Nie Huaisang: ok then, what are you planning to do for him?

Me: uh, dance?

Wen Qing: well that's boring

Jiang Cheng<3: pffttt, you can dance?

Me: yes

Me: sent a video

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