Aela Elwynn
In the kingdom of Aine an apothecary stands surrounded by the white walls of the town borders. Pointed ears twitch as Aela hums and goes about her morning cleaning. Her long skirt swaying as she moved giving the town villagers a good glance at her waist as her top was short, the only length on it in the form of her flowing sleeves. A sudden trembling came over her, the broom clattering to the floor as she heard a deep rumble within her mind.
The rumbling became speech and she recognized this as the call of a dragon. If she could guess, she would say it was one of the greater dragons. An ancient with a well-mastered rhythm of magic. Many said that these great dragons, all dragons really, no longer existed. Those of Ainisian heritage knew better though. The grand masters had gone into a hiding existence to keep from being hunted by man. She then realized she should answer back.
~What is it?~ She called out to it shortly wonderingif her speech were rude.
~You, elf are to go on a mission for the greater dragon council. There is a great threat we need taken care of. Some one is going to try to resurrect a dragon I, I mean we, banished long ago.~
~Who would do such a horrible thing?~ She asked as she gathered up her things. One did absolutely did not ignore the call to duty of the dragon council. There was no answer to her question so she ventured another as she was walking out the door and placing a 'Closed' sign on her door.
~Where am I to go?~
~Your mission starts in the town of Rothendaul, from there you will head to Hance, all the way to the Adila mountains. You must not fail or all will be lost.~
She nodded as she spoke.
~No I shall not fail master.~ Her well-prepared bag on her back and her connection closed, she smiled as she walked along the path to Rothendaul. A sense of importance filled her making her hum the two-day walk there.
Aiden Bronwen
Bronze wings fluttered creating gusts behind him as Aiden’s cobalt eyes surveyed the mess of his alchemy room.
He had been in the midst of an experiment when two connections caught his attention. One a female dragon, the other male, both were gearing their words into three different individuals. He had heard the female asking for help and he had heard the male mention a great threat. This had perked his interest; it also caused him to forget his experiment. Thus causing the eruption of it and the current mess, he found himself looking at.
Flame red brows furrowing his debate on cleaning first or immediately taking part to find out what was going on. Something in his gut told him that things were not quite right in the land of Eileithya. He decided on cleaning, who knows when he would be back, and there was no sense in letting things stick and grow on his floor. Packing his bags he moved to the window, leaned forward, and flew out into the night. His first stop would be the town of Coppledown. From there, he would head to Sutterdam. Here, his instincts told him, he would find an essential piece to this quest.

Elysian Embers
FantasyA mysterious voice sends four people at four very different places in Elysia on a quest to save the world. With unknown forces at work will they all be on the same side?