Angry Love/ J.M

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Hey y'all! So Today's imagine is going to be about Joe 😌 Before you start reading is imagine, I just want to say sorry if your requests might take me a long time to write, I have school and Have a lot of homework. By monday, my teachers will be giving us books and Homework. So It might take me a long time to write. Anyways enough of me talking a lot and I hope you enjoy this imagine. (P.s. I couldn't think of a title for this imagine so I choose the title 'Angry Love' Sorry if it doesn't go well with the imagine.)

Warnings: Angst, Smut
Requested by: Queenie-da-Queenster

You and Joe just got back from going on a romantic date. The both of you went to a fancy restaurant here in New york. You both have went to a lot of dates, and it so much fun, for the both of you to spend time and having fun! But this date was different from they other dates you both have had...

While you were on your date, Guys kept looking at you. You didn't mind it at all because you thought they we're jealous of Joe or anything. You were wrong. They kept looking at you because of the dress you have on. It was a short black dress. The dress showed a little bit of your ass. That made Joe very jealous and angry.

He try to control himself but he couldn't. So you both had to leave early.

And now the both of you are at your house. Arguing about what happened

"You shouldn't had to wear that dress
Y/n! Everyone kept looking at you!" Joe says in a angry tone

"It's not my fault that I have this dress! Why do you get angry when other guys look at me? Hmm? Girls look at you too, and it makes me angry, too" you say

"Don't turn this on me, now!" He sighs

"Y'know what I'm going to bed now,you will sleep on the couch... Goodnight Joe" You says and go upstairs to the bedroom.

You don't know why Joe got like this. It was ture what you said! Girls did like him. He was attractive, handsome, Funny guy, and sexy.

You change into your night clothes and right before you're about to go to bed, Joe knocks on door.

"Come in"

Joe opens the door and comes in then closes it.

"Hey I'm sorry for getting mad and being jealous. It's just that You're hot and a beautiful women. I really don't like when other people look at you. I'm sorry again." Joe says and looks at you

"Joey, It's okay... Don't be sorry. I'm sorry for getting a bit angry at you. I didn't mean what I said at all. I love you." You say with a smile.

"I love you too, Babe" He says and kisses you

You kiss back as well. Joe puts his hand on your hips but then his hands travel to your ass, and he gives you a hard slap. You jump a little and moan into the kiss. But Joe pulls away

"I want you now, Y/n" He says and looks at you with hungry eyes.

"I want you too, Joe, Let's do it" You say and bite your lip.

He pushes you into the bed and he starts taking his clothes off.

You watch him taking his clothes off and you bite your lip. You love Joe so much and right now he looks super super hot. You start taking your clothes off and wait for Joe.

Joe gets on top of you and says "Are you ready?"

You nod quickly "Yes Joe I'm ready" Joe enters you and starts to move slowly while his hands are on your hips.

You moan and throw your head back at the amazing feeling. You try not to moan too loud because you don't want to wake up the neighbors.

"Joe can you please go faster, Please" You beg him and bite your lip.

"Of course I can, Baby" He says and starts moving faster and moans loudly

You wrap your legs around his waist and put your hands on top of your head.

"My god Y/n this feels good~~" Joe moans and looks at you

"Oh yes it does, Joe... Gosh I'm so close~" you says and come~

"O-Oh god... Fuck- y/n-" he comes after you.

You take a deep breath and smile "This was amazing"

"It really was, It was amazing" He says and lays down next you in bed.

You cuddle next to him and put your head on his chest "I love you Joe so much, I'm so lucky to be with you" you say and look up at him

"I love you too y/n so so much" He says and kisses your head

"Goodnight babe, love you"

"Goodnight my love, Love you too"

You both say and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Did y'all like it?  I hope you guys did. Also I'm so sorry if I have made some of yoy uncomfortable with the smut. I'm not really good at writing smut at all. So I'm so sorry for that. This imagine was fun to write. Again I'm sorry if the titled didn't match with this imagine at all. (I'm so bad at picking a title 😅😭) I really hope that my sis @Queenie-da-Queenster enjoy this! Sorry if it was so bad. Anyways Thank you again for reading this Imagines. I will write more of the request tomorrow, after my online school. Sorry If I forget to write them. Also don't forget to request anything you want, I will try my best to write them! See you in the next imagine y'all! Love you! ❤😁

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