Cuddling On A Raining Day/ G.L

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Hey guys! New Imagine, Today! I have something very important to say at the end of this Imagine. I hope you enjoy this Imagines that I got requested!

Warning: None, just fluff

Requested by:brianharoldmay39

It was a raining day in London. You Gwil, who has been your boyfriend for 2 years now, were in your house. You both are sitting on the couch.

Gwil is reading a book while you are looking at him and thinking in your head 'God... I love him so much, he's the love of my life.' He notice you looking at him for too long and looked up to you.

"Is there something on my face, love?" He jokes and chuckles.

"No! Of course not! I just love looking at you because you're so handsome" You say with a smile on your face.

"Is that right? Well you have a beautiful smile" he says.

You looked down and blush when he said that.

"Gwil! You made me blush!" You say and giggle.

He loves it when you giggle, it's his favourite thing of you. "Come here, baby" he says

You go up to him and cuddle next to him while you wrap your arms around his waist and he has his arm wrap around you.

"I love it when we cuddle while it's a raining day" you say and look out the window to see the rain falling down from the sky.

Gwil kisses the top of your head and looks at the window too. "The raining is so relaxing that I can hear it from here inside, And I also love it when we cuddle."

"Do you want me to make some tea or coffee?" You ask while getting up from the couch.

"Tea will be nice, do you want me to make it with you?" He asks

"No, that's okay, babe, I can make it, I will be right back" you say and get up from the couch and go to the kitchen to start making some tea for the both of you.

You come back into the leaving room with the two cups of teas and you put them down on a little table.

"Here's you cup of tea, babe" you say and give it to him.

"Thank you, my darling" he says and takes his cup of tea and sips his tea.

You sit down on the couch and also start sipping your tea.

"We really needed some tea because it's so cold outside!" You say

"Well, how about we keep cuddling, I will keep you warm in my arms" Gwil says and puts his tea down on the table.

You nod and put your tea down as well and cuddle next to gwil, again.

Gwil,again wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.

You put your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. You are very lucky to be with someone like Gwilym. You remember like it was yesterday that you two first met. Time has went by and your love for Gwil grows stronger every single day.

"I love you so much, Gwilym, I really do love you so so much" you say and look up at him.

He smiles at you and says "I love you more Y/N, You're the love of my life and I'm so lucky to be with someone like you"

You start to tear up a little by his words "Aww, Gwil, I love you so fucking much and I'm also so lucky to be with you and you are also the love of ny life! I love you My handsome Gwil" you say and kiss him

He kisses you back. It was a passionate kiss and you feel butterflies in your stomach.

You pull away from the kiss and smile up at him.

"I love you Gwil and I will keep saying it everyday so you can remember."

"I love you too so much Y/N and I will also keep saying it everyday so you can also remember it." He says and kisses your cheek

You both keep cuddling until you fall asleep in his arms.

Gwil looks at you sleeping in his arms. He smiles and holds you like a little baby.

He whispers to himself. "One day you will become Mrs. Lee and will be the mother of my kids, Y/N, because that's my dream with you..."

The end!

Did y'all like it? I hope you and brianharoldmay39 did! I try my best to write this! Okay so now for the important thing. First of all I want to say, I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated. School has been keeping me busy and my head is in a lot of places right now. My depression and stress is back again. School is making me get stress a lot that I have so much homework to do. I always say that I'm going to write a imagine for y'all to read, but I forget! And I just feel like everyone hates me and is letting me down. I don't really know what to do. I have started not liking myself and calling me "Ugly" again and how I'm useless. I know that I always say that school has been a stress for me and that sometimes homework takes a lot of my time. (Because it does) I hope you can all understand this and I promise that I will find the time to writing more imagines and on my queen imagines book. Also thank you all for 100 followers. I love y'all so much and thank you so so much for reading and voting on my imagines! It means a lot  to me. I will see you all in the next imagine! Love you all! ❤

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