Chapter 2 - The Woman's Infatuation

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Meanwhile at the Montini's Residence, Courtney is inside her bedroom replying to emails and made her schedule for the rest of the week. After it was organized, her fingers works on its own and logged in to her social media account with one goal. She quickly opened Ben's profile that has more than 1M followers to see if there is any recent update, but found none. It seems Ben's account hasn't been active for quite some time and there is no chance he will be able to read the message she sent. Looking back the last three months, she never stopped searching every name that is associated with Ben until it was finally paid off when she found his Facebook account with basic information like age, parents, siblings and relatives, but that's it. She also Googled him and discovered Ben's family business has been well-known not only in Italy, but to the rest of Europe. They also owned chains of shops named Café Vergnano serving the best coffee in entire Italy that can definitely compete with America's prominent coffee shop.

"Ding!" Courtney almost jumped when she heard the familiar sound on her laptop.

She hastily checked the inbox in hopes that finally Ben responded to her, but her excitement soon deflated after seeing the sender. It was her best friend sending photos of their family vacation in Spain; all those snaps are magnificent with one look.

"You're shots are remarkable Nic-Nic!" Courtney commented after scanning the pictures.

"Muchas gracias (Thank you so much) Ni-Ni!" Her friend used their term of endearment.

Glad she was able to understand the foreign language since she took up Spanish during College that she use up until today when it was needed. She was about to hit the keyboard when her friend requested for video call that she willingly accepts.

"So, how's the vacay?" Courtney sat comfortably on her bed.

"It's fun and relaxing." Nic-Nic placed the phone on the table.

"Any hot guys you met?" Courtney teases her friend.

"Shh tone it down! They might hear you and explode." Nic-Nic flipped the phone to the side showing the rest of the family.

"Oops! Sorry I didn't mean to say that Nic-Nic." Courtney immediately bit her lip.

"Forgiven – speaking of guys, I did meet one." Nic-Nic blushed.

"Oh, details girl." Courtney waited for her friend to tell more.

"I will when we meet personally it's safer that way, I can't risk it." Nic-Nic sounded cautious.

"Totally understand." Courtney nods.

"Anyway how's your day been without me?" Nic-Nic changes the topic.

"Nothing much, just doing same errands – reading books, making appointments, and checking emails." Courtney says one by one.

"And stalking Ben's profile." Nic-Nic can tell the presumption was correct.

"I'm not stalking him!" Courtney denied.

"I knew it! You are so dead to me when I'm back." Nic-Nic wants to smack Courtney's head.

"As if you can do that... you love me." Courtney stuck out her tongue.

"That I can't deny... so did you get any response?" Nic-Nic waited on the other line.

"Still none." Courtney shook her head.

"Ben is a business tycoon and will probably have no time to log in to his account like you do and who knows maybe that account is fake; a poser pretending to be him. Being a celebrity photographer I get to have the privilege to know how their lifestyle is; most of them don't want to share personal life on camera; what more with Ben since their family are rich as hell."Nic-Nic stated truthfully.

"Oh my God! Why didn't I think about that?" Courtney gasped.

"Clearly your brain is not functioning when it's about him. It's like you're the dumbness of all the dumb, are you sure you're a Therapist?" Nic-Nic didn't hesitate to say that.

"Did you just mock my job?" Courtney was not taken aback with that since her friend is vocal.

"Just stating fact, no offense Ni-Ni; well I guess with a body and face like Ben I'll definitely lose my mind too." Nic-Nic giggled.

"Are you after the man of my dreams?" Courtney raised her eyebrow.

"Technically you're dreaming by creating story with your parents." Nic-Nic knew it will somehow hurt her.

"You're right about that." Courtney took a deep sighed.

"I am always right! But kidding aside, you have to maybe accept that he might not contact you." Nic-Nic said in all seriousness.

"I know, and even if he saw the message it's impossible for him to remember me." Courtney added.

"So, can you promise on your Gramps grave you won't check his account, at least not until I'm back?" Her friend bargained.

"Alright, I will." Courtney agreed.

"Good! I need to go now. I promised Nat we will do paragliding." Nic-Nic stood up.

"Stay safe and get that guy's number." Courtney whispered the last two words.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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